NHSbuntu / nhsbuntu

NHSbuntu - Ubuntu-based operating system for the NHS.
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Suggested changes for the use of the Cinnamon DE #48

Open dominichayesferen opened 7 years ago

dominichayesferen commented 7 years ago
  1. Dash to Panel should be the panel (GNOME) Personally, I think Dash to Panel would provide GNOME with that better bit of familiarity for Windows-using Staff at The NHS, as it looks more like a Windows 10 Taskbar out-of-the-box, bringing down the panel to the familiar bottom-of-screen position so many people are probably used to using, and it's also compatible with quite a few GNOME Extensions, such as that Menu Replacement (to fix the Menu Buttons issue, go to GNOME Tweaks, Extensions, Dash to Panels, Configure, and DISABLE the Apps Menu button there)
dominichayesferen commented 7 years ago

Oh right, you're going Cinnamon, well, let me suggest you some things for Cinnamon, since I know how to make it AWESOME-r than it currently is.

dominichayesferen commented 7 years ago

For the menu, CinnVIIStarkMenu would be a good choice, it provides a Windows-like look to it, and it's easy to set up, just get it from Spices, then copy it from ~(HOME)/.local/share/cinnamon/applets to /usr/share/cinnamon/applets for system-wide use, or use a Package on your own PPA, if you want it continuously updated. screenshot from 2017-09-29 18-35-51

Window List: While Window List is... alright, IcingTaskManager or CobiWindowList would be potentially better for being Window List Replacements, and are just as easy to set up. screenshot from 2017-09-29 18-38-01

Wallpapers: Wallpaper Sets can be easily controlled by making and editing XMLs in /usr/share/cinnamon-background-properties screenshot from 2017-09-29 18-39-18