Closed reeckset closed 3 years ago
O problema já está a acontecer desde o início do ano civil. Pelo que consegui perceber, o problema está no endpoint do SIGARRA que a uni utiliza para obter o horário dos estudantes. O endpoint está a devolver uma lista vazia.
By trying multiple dates in the endpoint that is used by uni to get the user's schedule, I was able to pinpoint that this issue started happening on the 20th December 2020.<your student number>&pv_semana_ini=20201219&pv_semana_fim=20201231
has my schedule, but<your student number>&pv_semana_ini=20201220&pv_semana_fim=20201231
does not.
It would seem this is somewhat related to the endpoint quality of the results, which makes it quite tricky to solve :/
It would seem the API is ,for now, broken, I'm developing a fix for this, to resort back to our old schedule parser.
Hi there! The API has been fixed.<your student number>&pv_semana_ini=20210313&pv_semana_fim=20210320
is returning a valid schedule.
Furthermore, the links I had sent before are no longer returning empty lists.
Hey! Back when we figured the API itself was broken, we had sent an email to FEUP. It would seem this mail was finally fruitful!
Na semana de 11 de janeiro a 17 de janeiro de 2021, o horário não está a ser apresentado, mesmo para alunos que tenham aulas nessa semana