List of features to add to advanced search query builder:
Metadata List
[x] Format properties
[x] Update descriptions where computational tool and dataset have overlap.
[x] Remove properties that we don't want to include.
[x] Searchbar for metadata fields
[x] Add metadata description for each item (where available)
[x] clear fields on submit/reset
[x] Custom input based on field type
[x] Add phrase suggester
[x] Remove predictive search for "all fields" - slow.
[x] Add stronger debounce for "all fields"
[x] Idea: Change "starts and ends with" to "contains"
[ ] Add validation to input
[ ] For multiple terms: "Did you mean to exact match these terms?"
[x] Enable exact and wildcard searches
[x] "Field exists" queries
[x] clear fields on submit/reset
Drag and drop
[x] Thicker color strip
[x] Add type of search to tags. (i.e. wrap term in quotes for exact, use asterisks for wildcard) and add descriptor to tag above or below field ("exact", "contains", etc)
[x] Bold field in "Must contain [field] field"
[x] Make rawquery section area more obvious ( toggle should say "view", "hide" and should share background with rawquery to make associtation more obvious).
List of features to add to advanced search query builder:
Metadata List
Drag and drop