NIAID-Data-Ecosystem / nde-portal

Discovery platform to find NIAID-related datasets and tools
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[User Interface: Redesign]: Repository-level Metadata Compatibility badges #227

Open gtsueng opened 5 months ago

gtsueng commented 5 months ago

Issue Name

Repository-level Metadata Compatibility badges

Issue Description

According to the NIAID team, a repository owner was excited about the Metadata Completeness badge, but lamented that it was not informative enough. This prompted the NIAID team to request improvements to the legend for the metadata completeness badge suggesting the inclusion of missing fields. Since missing fields can be repository-limited, it makes more sense for this sort of information to be provided at the repository level. Towards that end, we will create a repository-level metadata compatibility badge which will help visualize how compatible repositories are with the metadata ingested by the NIAID Data Ecosystem.

Note, this issue is for the design of the badge only. Where the badge will be displayed has yet to be discussed. Potential locations include the sources page, and the 'featured pages' which have yet to be developed.


The data needed for this issue will be discussed in the following GH Ticket:

Issue Discussion

The history of this ticket can be sourced to this issue:

Mockup URL

WCAG Compliance Check

Related WBS task

For internal use only. Assignee, please select the status of this issue

Status Description

No response

UI change status check list

gtsueng commented 3 months ago

@rshabman @sudvenk @lisa-mml @hartwickma we have a few potential designs for the repository-level metadata compatibility badge which can be found at:

An initial draft of the documentation for the repository-level metadata compatibility badge can be found at: . This draft is expected to be updated with images that explain the badge, once a badge type has been selected.

We are changing the status of this issue to Review requested-deliverable and would like to include this in the agenda for the biweekly discussion on 2024.04.16 with OCGR.

gtsueng commented 1 month ago

Per the discussion on 2024.06.11, the preferred badge is the bar badge; with the following suggested changes:

  1. Rather than using value-based coverage which depends on % coverage of metadata in the repo, and can be harder to interpret with all the different shades of pink/purple, provide a simple indicator of is it available or not
  2. Remove the % coverage from the hover info, since there will not be shades of color to reflect % coverage
  3. The % coverage information is interesting, so leave it in the metadata as we may want to revisit this matter at another time, but remove it from the badge
  4. The order of all metadata fields in the badge should be kept consistent between the repositories to allow users to quickly evaluate if a repository collects certain metadata
  5. The metadata compatibility documentation should be updated to reflect a positional changes from a way for seeing the coverage of metadata in each repository as a potential indicator as to whether the repository allows for metadata (in case a user is looking for a place to deposit their dataset)

@rshabman @sudvenk @lisa-mml @hartwickma we will focus on updating the bar chart mock up to reflect suggestions 1-4. We will update the documentation for the repository-level badge based on suggestion 5.

I am updating the status of this issue to 'in progress - refinement' as sufficient feedback was provided during the meeting for us to improve the mock ups

gtsueng commented 5 days ago

@rshabman @sudvenk @lisa-mml @hartwickma The bar chart/grid plot hybrid has been updated to reflect the requsted changes and can be viewed here:

If approved for implementation on Staging, these 'badges' would be added to the 'Sources' page

hartwickma commented 13 hours ago

Hi @gtsueng thank you for providing the updated mockups, these look very nice.

One of the requested updates:

Remove the % coverage from the hover info, since there will not be shades of color to reflect % coverage

but this information still appears in hover boxes, where in some cases, a solid box is at 86% (Date, Access Clinical Data) and DDE Fundamental shows all boxes filled but reports 97%.

As discussed, please remove % from hovers and update percentages that appear next to the boxes as a static figure so that they represent a binary report of whether or not that meta data is collected/reported by the repositry.

gtsueng commented 10 hours ago

@candicecz please update the hover text such that: