NICMx / FORT-validator

RPKI cache validator
MIT License
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FORT RPKI Issue #133

Open haithamjneid opened 2 months ago

haithamjneid commented 2 months ago

hello guys,

please need your support, I'm running the following command and this is what I get: [haitham.jneid@saryfortval02 ~]$ sudo service fort status Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status fort.service ● fort.service - FORT RPKI validator Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/fort.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-05-22 12:51:42 +03; 26min ago Docs: man:fort(8) Main PID: 146353 (fort) Tasks: 22 (limit: 36397) Memory: 1.3G CGroup: /system.slice/fort.service └─146353 /usr/bin/fort --configuration-file /etc/fort/config.json

May 22 12:51:42 saryfortval02 systemd[1]: Started FORT RPKI validator.

however for checking if FORT is ready for RTR connection, the following command ([root@validator ~]# journalctl -u fort -f ) is not providing the output stating that Aug 12 13:34:00 validator fort[9708]: WRN: First validation cycle successfully ended, now you can connect your router(s)

instead it provides the following output. please need your help.

[haitham.jneid@saryfortval02 ~]$ sudo journalctl -u fort -f -- Logs begin at Thu 2024-05-16 18:27:25 +03. -- May 22 11:03:19 saryfortval02 systemd[1]: Stopping FORT RPKI validator... May 22 11:03:19 saryfortval02 systemd[1]: fort.service: Succeeded. May 22 11:03:19 saryfortval02 systemd[1]: Stopped FORT RPKI validator. May 22 11:03:53 saryfortval02 systemd[1]: Started FORT RPKI validator. May 22 11:12:24 saryfortval02 fort[142882]: May 22 11:12:24 WRN: Location '/etc/fort/' doesn't have files with extension '.slurm' May 22 12:21:24 saryfortval02 fort[142882]: May 22 12:21:24 WRN: Location '/etc/fort/' doesn't have files with extension '.slurm' May 22 12:51:18 saryfortval02 systemd[1]: Stopping FORT RPKI validator... May 22 12:51:18 saryfortval02 systemd[1]: fort.service: Succeeded. May 22 12:51:18 saryfortval02 systemd[1]: Stopped FORT RPKI validator. May 22 12:51:42 saryfortval02 systemd[1]: Started FORT RPKI validator.

ydahhrk commented 1 month ago


Okay, if you're happy with this outcome, feel free to close the issue.

haithamjneid commented 1 month ago

still RSYNC is not working, don't know why, we allowed it on Firewall and make sure access is open.

FORT is working properly using HTTPS:

[haitham.jneid@saryfortval02 ~]$ sudo service fort status Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status fort.service ● fort.service - FORT RPKI validator Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/fort.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-06-03 16:20:53 +03; 5min ago Docs: man:fort(8) Main PID: 280947 (fort) Tasks: 22 (limit: 35985) Memory: 133.1M CGroup: /system.slice/fort.service └─280947 /usr/bin/fort --configuration-file /etc/fort/config.json

Jun 03 16:26:09 saryfortval02 fort[280947]: Jun 3 16:26:09 ERR [Validation]: rsync://> Jun 03 16:26:09 saryfortval02 fort[280947]: Jun 3 16:26:09 ERR [Validation]: rsync:// Cou> Jun 03 16:26:09 saryfortval02 fort[280947]: Jun 3 16:26:09 ERR [Validation]: rsync:// Fil> Jun 03 16:26:12 saryfortval02 fort[280947]: Jun 3 16:26:12 INF: Validation finished: Jun 03 16:26:12 saryfortval02 fort[280947]: Jun 3 16:26:12 INF: - Valid ROAs: 548597 Jun 03 16:26:12 saryfortval02 fort[280947]: Jun 3 16:26:12 INF: - Valid Router Keys: 0 Jun 03 16:26:12 saryfortval02 fort[280947]: Jun 3 16:26:12 INF: - Serial: 1 Jun 03 16:26:12 saryfortval02 fort[280947]: Jun 3 16:26:12 INF: - Real execution time: 319s Jun 03 16:26:12 saryfortval02 fort[280947]: Jun 3 16:26:12 WRN: First validation cycle successfully ended, now you can connect your router(s) Jun 03 16:26:12 saryfortval02 fort[280947]: Jun 3 16:26:12 INF: Main loop: Sleeping.

this is Routinator: [haitham.jneid@saryfortval01 ~]$ curl -s | grep vrps vrps: 556731 vrps-per-tal: afrinic=9549 apnic=130956 arin=127546 lacnic=33857 ripe=254823 locally-filtered-vrps: 0 locally-filtered-vrps-per-tal: afrinic=0 apnic=0 arin=0 lacnic=0 ripe=0 duplicate-vrps-per-tal: afrinic=684 apnic=548 arin=6724 lacnic=0 ripe=29 locally-added-vrps: 0 final-vrps: 548746 final-vrps-per-tal: afrinic=8865 apnic=130408 arin=120822 lacnic=33857 ripe=254794 [haitham.jneid@saryfortval01 ~]$

could you please share your final vrps number to compare it with mine.

ydahhrk commented 1 month ago

could you please share your final vrps number to compare it with mine.

548,806 VRPs at 2024-06-03 15:52:01 UTC.