NICMx / FORT-validator

RPKI cache validator
MIT License
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Fort status shown as failed with the end of stack trace error and error code 22 #85

Open Iqbalmahmood99 opened 1 year ago

Iqbalmahmood99 commented 1 year ago

I am having an issue fort status as below


Does any one knows how to clear this issue?

Though RPKI session with router is shown as established even with this error message.

But usual after 16~20 days randomly status becomes idle with fort repository and only i have solved it with server reboot. OS version is:"Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS" Fort version is:fort 1.5.3

have any one faced this issue before and does anyone have any permanent solution to this?

ydahhrk commented 1 year ago

Hmm. Tried running a stock 1.5.3, and it seems it doesn't have permissions over /var/lib/fort. This is a bug in the installer. Try

sudo chown fort:fort /var/lib/fort/

Then retry:

sudo service fort restart

I'm assuming you're getting the same error message as me. If this doesn't fix the problem, I'm going to need more output; your error message was cut-off. Do you have a sizeable tail of the logging file?

ydahhrk commented 1 year ago

(By default, my Ubuntu sends Fort's logs to /var/log/syslog.)

Iqbalmahmood99 commented 1 year ago

i ahve done as per your instructions, how ever issue still persists.

below is the log files: Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: Nov 10 11:06:34 ERR: Could not open file '/tmp/fort/roas.csv': Permission denied Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: Nov 10 11:06:34 ERR: Invalid output.roa file. Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: Stack trace: Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x560b2ed8a867] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: /usr/bin/fort(pr_op_err+0x98) [0x560b2ed8afc8] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: /usr/bin/fort(handle_flags_config+0x8a7) [0x560b2ed88dd7] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x66) [0x560b2ed862c6] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4b7735f0b3] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x560b2ed863fa] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: (End of stack trace) Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: Nov 10 11:06:34 ERR: Try '/usr/bin/fort --usage' or '/usr/bin/fort --help' for more information. Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: Stack trace: Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x560b2ed8a867] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: /usr/bin/fort(pr_op_err+0x98) [0x560b2ed8afc8] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: /usr/bin/fort(handle_flags_config+0x38b) [0x560b2ed888bb] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x66) [0x560b2ed862c6] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4b7735f0b3] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x560b2ed863fa] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort[21254]: (End of stack trace) Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: Stack trace: Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 systemd[1]: fort.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=22/n/a Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x560b2ed8a867] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 systemd[1]: fort.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(__pr_op_err+0x98) [0x560b2ed8afc8] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(handle_flags_config+0x8a7) [0x560b2ed88dd7] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x66) [0x560b2ed862c6] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4b7735f0b3] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x560b2ed863fa] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: (End of stack trace) Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: ERR: Try '/usr/bin/fort --usage' or '/usr/bin/fort --help' for more information. Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: Stack trace: Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x560b2ed8a867] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(__pr_op_err+0x98) [0x560b2ed8afc8] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(handle_flags_config+0x38b) [0x560b2ed888bb] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x66) [0x560b2ed862c6] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4b7735f0b3] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x560b2ed863fa] Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: (End of stack trace)

Would you please check?

Iqbalmahmood99 commented 1 year ago

Nov 10 11:00:30 rpki02 systemd[21071]: Listening on GnuPG network certificate management daemon. Nov 10 11:00:30 rpki02 systemd[21071]: Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache (access for web browsers). Nov 10 11:00:30 rpki02 systemd[21071]: Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache (restricted). Nov 10 11:00:30 rpki02 systemd[21071]: Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent (ssh-agent emulation). Nov 10 11:00:30 rpki02 systemd[21071]: Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache. Nov 10 11:00:30 rpki02 systemd[21071]: Listening on debconf communication socket. Nov 10 11:00:30 rpki02 systemd[21071]: Listening on REST API socket for snapd user session agent. Nov 10 11:00:31 rpki02 systemd[21071]: Listening on D-Bus User Message Bus Socket. Nov 10 11:00:31 rpki02 systemd[21071]: Reached target Sockets. Nov 10 11:00:31 rpki02 systemd[21071]: Reached target Basic System. Nov 10 11:00:31 rpki02 systemd[21071]: Reached target Main User Target. Nov 10 11:00:31 rpki02 systemd[21071]: Startup finished in 87ms. Nov 10 11:00:31 rpki02 systemd[1]: Started User Manager for UID 1000. Nov 10 11:00:31 rpki02 systemd[1]: Started Session 60 of user rpkiuser. Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 systemd[1]: Started FORT RPKI validator. Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: ERR: Could not open file '/tmp/fort/roas.csv': Permission denied Nov 10 11:06:34 rpki02 fort: ERR: Invalid output.roa file.

ydahhrk commented 1 year ago
sudo chown -R fort:fort /var/lib/fort/
sudo chown -R fort:fort /tmp/fort
Iqbalmahmood99 commented 1 year ago

Dear still not solved i guess: root@rpki02:/home/rpkiuser# ll /tmp/ total 56 drwxrwxrwt 14 root root 4096 Nov 13 06:47 ./ drwxr-xr-x 24 root root 4096 Oct 20 06:21 ../ drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Nov 8 10:39 .font-unix/ drwxr-xr-x 2 fort fort 4096 Nov 8 10:39 fort/

root@rpki02:/home/rpkiuser# ll /var/lib/ total 160 drwxr-xr-x 40 root root 4096 Mar 20 2022 ./ drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 Feb 4 2020 ../ drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Feb 4 2020 AccountsService/ drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 26 2021 apport/ drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Nov 10 06:43 apt/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 10 2020 boltd/ drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Nov 8 10:39 cloud/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 11 03:53 command-not-found/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 25 2020 dbus/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 16 2018 dhcp/ drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Nov 10 06:43 dpkg/ drwxr-xr-x 35 fort fort 4096 Mar 20 2022 fort/

Nov 13 09:14:26 rpki02 systemd[1]: Started Session 142 of user rpkiuser. Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 systemd[1]: Started FORT RPKI validator. Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: INF: Disabling validation logging on syslog. Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort[50582]: Nov 13 09:16:46 INF: Disabling validation logging on syslog. Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: INF: Disabling validation logging on standard streams. Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort[50582]: Nov 13 09:16:46 INF: Disabling validation logging on standard streams. Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: INF: Syslog log output configured; disabling operation logging on standard streams. Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort[50582]: Nov 13 09:16:46 INF: Syslog log output configured; disabling operation logging on standard streams. Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: INF: (Operation Logs will be sent to syslog only.) Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort[50582]: Nov 13 09:16:46 INF: (Operation Logs will be sent to syslog only.) Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: ERR [Operation]: bind() failed: Address already in use Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: Stack trace: Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x5642aeb8b867] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(pr_op_err+0x98) [0x5642aeb8bfc8] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(+0x3c581) [0x5642aeba6581] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(rtr_start+0x7b) [0x5642aeba70cb] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x14f) [0x5642aeb873af] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f33640470b3] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x5642aeb873fa] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: (End of stack trace) Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: ERR [Operation]: bind() failed: Address already in use Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: Stack trace: Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x5642aeb8b867] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(pr_op_err+0x98) [0x5642aeb8bfc8] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(+0x3c581) [0x5642aeba6581] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(rtr_start+0x7b) [0x5642aeba70cb] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x14f) [0x5642aeb873af] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f33640470b3] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x5642aeb873fa] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: (End of stack trace) Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: ERR [Operation]: bind() failed: Address already in use Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: Stack trace: Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x5642aeb8b867] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(pr_op_err+0x98) [0x5642aeb8bfc8] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(+0x3c581) [0x5642aeba6581] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(rtr_start+0x7b) [0x5642aeba70cb] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x14f) [0x5642aeb873af] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f33640470b3] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x5642aeb873fa] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: (End of stack trace) Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: ERR [Operation]: None of the addrinfo candidates could be bound. Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: Stack trace: Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x5642aeb8b867] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(pr_op_err+0x98) [0x5642aeb8bfc8] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(+0x3c534) [0x5642aeba6534] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(rtr_start+0x7b) [0x5642aeba70cb] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x14f) [0x5642aeb873af] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f33640470b3] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x5642aeb873fa] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort: (End of stack trace) Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 systemd[1]: fort.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=22/n/a Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 systemd[1]: fort.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Nov 13 09:17:01 rpki02 CRON[50676]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)

root@rpki02:/home/rpkiuser# service fort status ● fort.service - FORT RPKI validator Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/fort.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2022-11-13 09:16:46 +06; 4min 9s ago Docs: man:fort(8) Process: 50582 ExecStart=/usr/bin/fort --configuration-file /etc/fort/config.json (code=exited, status=22) Main PID: 50582 (code=exited, status=22)

Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort[50582]: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x5642aeb8b867] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort[50582]: /usr/bin/fort(pr_op_err+0x98) [0x5642aeb8bfc8] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort[50582]: /usr/bin/fort(+0x3c534) [0x5642aeba6534] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort[50582]: /usr/bin/fort(rtr_start+0x7b) [0x5642aeba70cb] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort[50582]: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x14f) [0x5642aeb873af] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort[50582]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f33640470b3] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort[50582]: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x5642aeb873fa] Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 fort[50582]: (End of stack trace) Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 systemd[1]: fort.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=22/n/a Nov 13 09:16:46 rpki02 systemd[1]: fort.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

ydahhrk commented 1 year ago

Instead of

sudo service fort start


sudo service fort restart
Iqbalmahmood99 commented 1 year ago

No Luck still:

Nov 15 09:30:27 rpki02 systemd[1]: Started User Manager for UID 1000. Nov 15 09:30:27 rpki02 systemd[1]: Started Session 199 of user rpkiuser. Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 systemd[1]: Started FORT RPKI validator. Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: INF: Disabling validation logging on syslog. Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: INF: Disabling validation logging on standard streams. Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort[70597]: Nov 15 09:31:01 INF: Disabling validation logging on syslog. Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort[70597]: Nov 15 09:31:01 INF: Disabling validation logging on standard streams. Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort[70597]: Nov 15 09:31:01 INF: Syslog log output configured; disabling operation logging on standard streams. Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort[70597]: Nov 15 09:31:01 INF: (Operation Logs will be sent to syslog only.) Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: INF: Syslog log output configured; disabling operation logging on standard streams. Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: INF: (Operation Logs will be sent to syslog only.) Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: ERR [Operation]: bind() failed: Address already in use Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: Stack trace: Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x560c31856867] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(pr_op_err+0x98) [0x560c31856fc8] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(+0x3c581) [0x560c31871581] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(rtr_start+0x7b) [0x560c318720cb] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x14f) [0x560c318523af] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f56c5ad80b3] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x560c318523fa] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: (End of stack trace) Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: ERR [Operation]: bind() failed: Address already in use Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: Stack trace: Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x560c31856867] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(pr_op_err+0x98) [0x560c31856fc8] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(+0x3c581) [0x560c31871581] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(rtr_start+0x7b) [0x560c318720cb] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x14f) [0x560c318523af] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f56c5ad80b3] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x560c318523fa] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: (End of stack trace) Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: ERR [Operation]: bind() failed: Address already in use Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: Stack trace: Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x560c31856867] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(pr_op_err+0x98) [0x560c31856fc8] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(+0x3c581) [0x560c31871581] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(rtr_start+0x7b) [0x560c318720cb] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x14f) [0x560c318523af] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f56c5ad80b3] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x560c318523fa] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: (End of stack trace) Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: ERR [Operation]: None of the addrinfo candidates could be bound. Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: Stack trace: Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x560c31856867] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(pr_op_err+0x98) [0x560c31856fc8] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(+0x3c534) [0x560c31871534] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(rtr_start+0x7b) [0x560c318720cb] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x14f) [0x560c318523af] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f56c5ad80b3] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x560c318523fa] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort: (End of stack trace) Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 systemd[1]: fort.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=22/n/a Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 systemd[1]: fort.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

root@rpki02:/tmp# sudo service fort status ● fort.service - FORT RPKI validator Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/fort.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2022-11-15 09:31:01 +06; 2min 7s ago Docs: man:fort(8) Process: 70597 ExecStart=/usr/bin/fort --configuration-file /etc/fort/config.json (code=exited, status=22) Main PID: 70597 (code=exited, status=22)

Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort[70597]: /usr/bin/fort(print_stack_trace+0x37) [0x560c31856867] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort[70597]: /usr/bin/fort(pr_op_err+0x98) [0x560c31856fc8] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort[70597]: /usr/bin/fort(+0x3c534) [0x560c31871534] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort[70597]: /usr/bin/fort(rtr_start+0x7b) [0x560c318720cb] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort[70597]: /usr/bin/fort(main+0x14f) [0x560c318523af] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort[70597]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f56c5ad80b3] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort[70597]: /usr/bin/fort(_start+0x2a) [0x560c318523fa] Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 fort[70597]: (End of stack trace) Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 systemd[1]: fort.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=22/n/a Nov 15 09:31:01 rpki02 systemd[1]: fort.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

ydahhrk commented 1 year ago

Try figuring out what's using the port:

sudo netstat -aenp | grep 323 | grep LISTEN

Then kill it.

Although maybe it's Routinator. If you want to change Fort's port, do it in /etc/fort/config.json.

Iqbalmahmood99 commented 1 year ago

rpkiuser@rpki02:~$ sudo netstat -aenp | grep 323 | grep LISTEN tcp 0 0 LISTEN 0 22703 692/fort
rpkiuser@rpki02:~$ sudo netstat -aenp | grep 323 tcp 0 0
LISTEN 0 22703 692/fort
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 0 27075 692/fort
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 0 27076 692/fort

Fort port is 8323. So your suggestion is to kill the process 22703 and restart the fort right?

ydahhrk commented 1 year ago

Sure, but I think the process ID is 692, not 22703.

Iqbalmahmood99 commented 1 year ago

Bro, if i kill this process, then establisehd two session with two Router will alos be killed.

sudo netstat -aenp | grep 323 [sudo] password for rpkiuser: tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 22703 692/fort
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 0 27075 692/fort
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 0 27076 692/fort

ydahhrk commented 1 year ago


Is that a problem? I'm not sure if you want me to do something with that information. If those are test routers, you can cut off the connection, they'll re-establish it eventually. If they're production routers... what on Earth are you doing?

If you know where that instance came from, then go ahead and configure it however you want. If not, I'd suggest killing it and starting your own.