NICMx / Jool

SIIT and NAT64 for Linux
GNU General Public License v2.0
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TCP RST handling for FIN RCV #212

Closed pierky closed 8 years ago

pierky commented 8 years ago


during some tests I've noticed that many TCP connections move to the V4_FIN_RCV / V6_FIN_RCV states and stay there up to 2 hours (TCP_EST), even if they are actually terminated on the hosts. Stuck connections adversely impact resource usage on a NAT64 box.

As far as I can see from some tcpdump captures TCP RSTs are involved in all these connections, for example RST sent in response to FIN with no more packets to follow.

I know RFC6146 section states that RSTs should be handled only for connections in ESTABLISHED state (moving them to TRANS) but I wonder whether an optional configuration argument can be added to Jool to allow it to process RSTs in FIN RCV states too.

What I mean has already been discussed on BEHAVE:

Why cant the same thing apply to one of the FIN RCV state? Meaning if there is a RST, again all the caveats below apply, but bounce of TRANS see if the RST is accepted and further data flows and either move to CLOSED or come back to the FIN RCV states?

link to message

Of course RST handling needs a special attention about sequencing to mitigate attacks, and this introduces another topic: firewalling/filtering on a NAT64 box. Many considerations have already been written about this too:

A NAT is not a security device and does not implement "security policies."

link to message

firewalling should be kept out of the NAT64 document

link to message

NATs don't "filter". Stateful NATs translate packets for which they have binding state, and drop packets for which they have none.

link to message

I don't know if internally Jool already implements sequencing checks, so if you think my proposal could be taken into account I would also ask

Thank you for considering my request.

ydahhrk commented 8 years ago

Well, we have challenged the law before. Mostly thanks to Tore, it seems :)

Jool does not currently track TCP seqs at all (not even the upcoming 3.5 release), but it will have to be implemented eventually if we want to support FTP.

I don't remember the details from when I started trying to fix FTP, but I do recall thinking it was going to be a lot of work. In fact, it might be effort better spent merging Jool with the kernel, because that should enable us access to iptables's seq tracking code. (And also the FTP NAT44 ALG.)

I know RFC6146 section states that RSTs should be handled only for connections in ESTABLISHED state (moving them to TRANS) but I wonder whether an optional configuration argument can be added to Jool to allow it to process RSTs in FIN RCV states too.

What I mean has already been discussed on BEHAVE:

Before I say anything else, I'd like to point out that Dmitry Anipko did not suggest the state should be moved to TRANS; he merely proposed to shorten the timer: From "the maximum session lifetime" (usually TCP_EST) to "the established connection idle timeout" (usually TCP_TRANS).

The distinction is important because the FIN RCV states are meant to never return to ESTABLISHED, while TRANS does.

Edit: Oops. I failed you realize you were linking to Murari Sridharan's message, not to Dmitry's. I do not understand why Murari changed the idea, but see below.

do you think that blindly trusting the RST and moving the state to TRANS, leaving to the hosts the validation effort, would suffice?

It won't work as advertised 100% of the time:

A -------- N ----+--- B
                 +--- M

A = IPv4 node
N = NAT64
B = IPv6 node
M = Malicious node

Let's say A and B are exchanging packets. N is in the ESTABLISHED state.

We have a problem now; N is in ESTABLISHED even though it should still be in V4 FIN RCV.

Dmitry's solution doesn't have this problem as far as I can tell. Its only drawback is that the RST is going to break the connection if the endpoints do not exchange data during the TCP_TRANS period.

(But if my home's ISP is of any indication, this is normal even without NAT64s in the way :P. Then again, it's pretty brittle in general.)

I really don't have any objections to coding this, but it would not be enabled by default.

if Jools does not implement seq checking, do you think it's worth and "politically correct" to spend some efforts on it to strengthen the FIN RCV -> TRANS transition on RST receipt?

Noooooope :). Seqnum tracking is a lot of code for just this purpose, and since the filtering topic raised a lot of controversy I'd say it's fairly safe to assume the IETF rejected the idea during one of the meetings. (I cannot say the same for Dmitry's proposal however, as it kind of looks like they forgot about it.)

But if we end up implementing seq checking anyway due to FTP, then improving RST analysis immediately after would be rather inevitable.


I'm in for implementing Dmitry's proposal, which is not about moving to TRANS from FIN RCV.

Filtering bad RSTs may eventually happen, but I'd say it's unlikely in the near future. (unless someone can propose some clever code)


pierky commented 8 years ago

Thanks @ydahhrk for your detailed reply.

Before I say anything else, I'd like to point out that Dmitry Anipko did not suggest the state should be moved to TRANS; he merely proposed to shorten the timer: From "the maximum session lifetime" (usually TCP_EST) to "the established connection idle timeout" (usually TCP_TRANS).

Well it would be perfect, actually I don't know how I ended up focusing on TRANS transition, what I was really looking for was the Dmitry Anipko's solution.

I totally agree with your conclusions, I'm ready to test the new code as soon as you release it.

Do you plan to introduce a new (non-RFC6146) state to also handle the case data keep flowing after the RST? I mean something that allows to revert the timer to TCP_EST.

ydahhrk commented 8 years ago

Do you plan to introduce a new (non-RFC6146) state to also handle the case data keep flowing after the RST? I mean something that allows to revert the timer to TCP_EST.

See, that's the beauty of Dmitry's solution: I don't have to. Aside from the RST special handling, The FIN RCVs already do what we want them to, so we never need to leave them.

These are the two possible outcomes (that I know of) that involve a RST during one of the FIN RCV states:

1: B is legitimately trying to end the connection using an RST

Background: N is in V4 FIN RCV. Accordingly, B is still sending data, and A isn't.

  1. B is done, so it sends a v6 RST.
  2. N remains in V4 FIN RCV but shortens the timer.
  3. Nobody sends any more data, so the state dies naturally after a short while. (From V4 FIN RCV: "If the lifetime expires, the Session Table Entry is deleted, and the state is moved to CLOSED.")

Well, M can keep the session alive by sending more forged packets, but the state machine was already vulnerable to this anyway.

2: M is trying to tamper the connection by sneaking an RST in

Same background as 1.

  1. M sends a forged v6 RST.
  2. N remains in V4 FIN RCV but shortens the timer.
  3. B is still sending packets so N enlarges the timeout again. (From V4 FIN RCV: "If any packet other than the V6 FIN [or v6 RST in our case] is received, (...) The lifetime of the TCP Session Table Entry is set to at least the maximum session lifetime. (...) The state remains unchanged as V4 FIN RCV.")

We're now back to where we were before the RST; M's attack did nothing.

Assuming, that is, that B has something to send within 4 minutes. But if you're seeing lots of clients thinking they're being clever by ending with RST instead of FIN, breaking the ones that fulfill all of the following requirements to achieve better resource utilization is probably a reasonable tradeoff:

(It can't be the default, though, because it encourages sloppy TCP stacks.)

I'll get to coding.

ydahhrk commented 8 years ago

I forgot to mention this issue in the commit message :C

This is the code:

sudo jool --handle-rst-during-fin-rcv true

(It's still missing the man page entry, but not --help)

pierky commented 8 years ago

Today I've tested it for just a few minutes and it seemed to be working as expected. If you want you can close this issue. I'll open a new one if I'll find any problem. Many thanks

ydahhrk commented 8 years ago

Thank you

I'll get the 3.4.3 release started on monday :)

ydahhrk commented 8 years ago

Want credits in the README? (If so, please state what you'd like included)

(Edit: Rats. I should have asked via mail. My bad.)

pierky commented 8 years ago

Oh thanks, why not? Can't help with code but I try to do it in other ways.

* [Pier Carlo Chiodi](

ydahhrk commented 8 years ago

3.4.3 released; closing.

laura-zelenku commented 3 years ago

Hello @ydahhrk, @pierky. It's quite a while already but ... In our project I've found quite strange situation and thinking why is BIB table reaching its maximum for TCP traffic. As a fix we've used the handle-rst-during-fin-rcv flag. But it didn't solve the issue.

In the tcpdump we've found following:

Jool session will end up with EST timeout. I would expect after FIN and RST (from any IPv4 or IPv6) session will be with TRANS timeout. Also the documentation says: If you activate handle-rst-during-fin-rcv, Jool will assign the transitory lifetime to connections ended with a FIN followed by a RST. I'm thinking about to create new issue here but would like to ask before. I've already looked into code that the fix is possible.

ydahhrk commented 3 years ago

Ok. I'll test it tomorrow, since I don't hace my equipment today.

The code does look like it should be working as advertised, though I won't know until I've tested it:

I've already looked into code that the fix is possible.

Did you find a solution? A pull request would be welcomed.

laura-zelenku commented 3 years ago

I've created PR but I'm still not sure about whether this is valid case. I mean if the traffic flow I've spotted is or isn't against RFC.