NICMx / Jool

SIIT and NAT64 for Linux
GNU General Public License v2.0
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sessions logs to NETFLOW v9 #421

Open 1223421 opened 3 months ago

1223421 commented 3 months ago

feature request in subj, please

ydahhrk commented 3 months ago

Please elaborate. I've never used Netflow.

1223421 commented 3 months ago

Please elaborate. I've never used Netflow.

* What is Jool supposed to do?

* What constitutes a "session log"?

* Can't you just parse the output of [`stats display --csv`]( and feed it to Netflow?

i need log all connections... netflow is the best way.. example for netflow - (natevents), just like "global update logging-session yes" but to netflow...

or maybe you can add "follow" option for "stats display --csv" to echo all new connections to stdout like daemon ? without "follow" may be lost fast connections if i do it with crontab ... like this: jool session display --csv --numeric --folow | script_for_parse_and_save

i can do it with "logging-session yes" and "dmesg -w | grep Jool | script_for_parse_and_save" but this way is many trash in dmesg

thank you, sorry for bad English, i hope you understand me

ydahhrk commented 6 days ago

Er... I don't know if you're still around, but this seems like a good idea. I don't have time to make something very formal, but I left a simple prototype in the jnetflow branch. Maybe it's all you need.

Assuming you have 4.1.12 installed, here's the installation recipe:

git clone
cd Jool
git checkout jnetflow
cd src/usr/jnetflow # No need to install anything else because you already have it
sudo make install

Then, once you have Jool running (and assuming its instance name is potato), do

$ sudo jool g u ss-enabled true
$ sudo jool g u ss-flush-asap false # Recommended, not actually necessary
$ jnetflow potato

(The instance name defaults to "default" as usual.)

For TCP and UDP, the columns are


Are you sure this is what you want? I feel like what you really want is BIB entries, not session entries.

1223421 commented 6 days ago

Are you sure this is what you want? I feel like what you really want is BIB entries, not session entries.

yes, need sessions.

it's work, thank you!