I have the following error when i try to access a single file from scoobi API. When i give as input path the directory (/data/test) it works fine.
[INFO] TextOutput - Output path: /user/lionel/test
Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Input path /data/test/test.gz does not exist.
at com.nicta.scoobi.io.text.TextSource$$anonfun$inputCheck$1.apply(TextInput.scala:136)
at com.nicta.scoobi.io.text.TextSource$$anonfun$inputCheck$1.apply(TextInput.scala:132)
Code used :
val lines: DList[String] = fromTextFile(args(0))
I have the following error when i try to access a single file from scoobi API. When i give as input path the directory (/data/test) it works fine.
[INFO] TextOutput - Output path: /user/lionel/test Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Input path /data/test/test.gz does not exist. at com.nicta.scoobi.io.text.TextSource$$anonfun$inputCheck$1.apply(TextInput.scala:136) at com.nicta.scoobi.io.text.TextSource$$anonfun$inputCheck$1.apply(TextInput.scala:132) (...)
Code used :
val lines: DList[String] = fromTextFile(args(0)) .
where the argument is "/data/test/test.gz"