DList ops should only be executed once. This is not only important for performance but also necessary if the operation is side-effecting, e.g. making a calling to Random.
An example of when this doesn't seem to be the case is exercised in the following code:
package com.nicta.scoobi
package acceptance
import Scoobi._
import testing.mutable.NictaSimpleJobs
class SideEffectsAreBadSpec extends NictaSimpleJobs {
"Filtering with side effectss" >> {
"Filtering random" >> { implicit c: SC =>
val xs = (1 to 5000).toDList
val zs = (xs filter (x => { if (x == 100) println("running"); scala.util.Random.nextDouble() > 0.5}))
val as = (zs.size join zs.map(x => "" + x)).materialise
val ys = as.run
println(" total: " + ys.size + " vs " + ys.head._1 )
// running
// running
// total: 2538 vs 2479
DList ops should only be executed once. This is not only important for performance but also necessary if the operation is side-effecting, e.g. making a calling to
.An example of when this doesn't seem to be the case is exercised in the following code: