NICTA / stateline

Distributed Markov Chain Monte Carlo
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Put single file hpp dependencies into the external folder #63

Closed darrnshn closed 7 years ago

darrnshn commented 8 years ago

Instead of downloading them using fetch-deps, we can just put them directly into the external folder. This includes:

darrnshn commented 8 years ago

Instead of copying the files directly, there is an alternative with git submodules. We add externals as git submodules and directly add them to the CMakeProject using add_subdirectory.

The advantage is that this works even for externals that build to libraries. Linking with them becomes easier. The downside is that cloning the project takes longer because we have to clone the submodules too. The disk usage is also bigger. If this is not a problem, then we could potentially add all dependencies as submodules (boost, zmq etc.) and remove the fetch-deps/configure workflow.