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Download and process GMTED Elevation #207

Closed eva0marques closed 6 months ago

eva0marques commented 9 months ago
eva0marques commented 9 months ago

@Spatiotemporal-Exposures-and-Toxicology @mitchellmanware

The download_gmted_data.R function is based on GMTED product, which already provides statistics at ~250m, ~500m, ~1km. In the covariates sheet, it is mandatory to have 100m, 1km and 10km statistics.

My question:

Personally, I feel like 1st option is the simplest, except if PM2.5 experts say that 100m and 10km resolution are really important.

kyle-messier commented 9 months ago

@eva0marques I say keep it simple and do (1). In an ideal world every covariate with buffer sizes would have the same buffers, but obviously that is not a requirement.

mitchellmanware commented 7 months ago
mitchellmanware commented 7 months ago

Elevation covariates calculated from GMTED data. Covariates include "Breakline Emphasis", "Systematic Subsample", "Median Statistic", "Minimum Statistic", "Mean Statistic", "Maximum Statistic", and "Standard Deviation Statistic" elevation values at 7.5, 15, and 30 arc second resolutions, respectively (21 covariates total). As discussed above, I did not buffer the sites to the standard 100, 1000, and 10000 meters, but rather used the variation in resolutions in the raw data. If we want to re-run with standard buffers it should not take too long.

The data set is huge, so I have zipped the raw data folders into a single zip file /ddn/gs1/group/set/Projects/NRT-AP-Model/input/gmted/ (zipping now; should be visible tomorrow). The raw data is ESRI ArcGRID format, so when read with terra the entire folder is the file path. Example:

> terra::rast("be15_grd/")
class       : SpatRaster 
dimensions  : 33600, 86400, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
resolution  : 0.004166667, 0.004166667  (x, y)
extent      : -180.0001, 179.9999, -56.00014, 83.99986  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
source      : be15_grd 
name        : be15_grd 
min value   :     -872 
max value   :     8747 

The folder be15_grd/ contains several sub files, but to read the data set in its entirety it is advised to read the folder with terra.

Calculated covariates are at /ddn/gs1/group/set/Project/NRT-AP-Model/output/NRTAP_Covar_GMTED.rds. Let me know if you have any questions.

eva0marques commented 6 months ago

@mitchellmanware I close this issue because I think you've done it.