The NIEM Naming and Design Rules
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Rule 11-47 (Different version means different view) does not specify what constitutes a different view #55

Closed cdmgtri closed 4 years ago

cdmgtri commented 7 years ago

Rule 11-47. Different version means different view

Two XML Schema documents MUST have the same value for attribute targetNamespace carried by the element xs:schema, and different values for attribute version carried by the element xs:schema if and only if they are different views of the same set of components.

The text following this rule is good (components are uniquely defined by class, namespace, and local name), but it doesn't go on to explain what constitutes a different view vs something that would require a different namespace. A minor change that doesn't affect validation or semantics, like rewording a definition? A different representation format, like JSON? Changing a schemaLocation attribute in an import statement? Something else?

webb commented 6 years ago

I think this level of vagueness has worked OK so far, so I'm not itching to tighten this down until I hear specific wording that's better. I changed the text from "different views" to "profiles".