Closed vfa-datnh closed 6 years ago
Confirm operation: Case: Application key/Client key are incorrect. Test code:
var ncmb = new NCMB("YOUR_APPLICATIONKEY","YOUR_CLIENTKEY"); // 保存先クラスの作成 var TestClass = ncmb.DataStore("TestClass"); // 保存先クラスのインスタンスを生成 var testClass = new TestClass(); // 値を設定と保存 testClass.set("message", "Hello, NCMB!") .save() .then(function(object){ // 保存に成功した場合の処理 }) .catch(function(err){ // 保存に失敗した場合の処理 alert(JSON.stringify(err)); }); Result: response:{"code":"E404005","error":"No such application."}
Case: ID/Password for login are incorrect. Test code:
var user = new ncmb.User({userName:"wrong", password:"password"}); user.login() //カレントユーザーには設定せず、セッショントークンのみ取得 .then(function(user){ }) .catch(function(err){ // エラー処理 console.log(err); alert(JSON.stringify(err)); });
Result: response:{"code":"E401002","error":"Authentication error with ID/PASS incorrect."}
動作確認手順(Step for Confirmation)
Confirm operation: Case: Application key/Client key are incorrect. Test code:
Case: ID/Password for login are incorrect. Test code:
Result: response:{"code":"E401002","error":"Authentication error with ID/PASS incorrect."}