NIH-NCPI / ncpi-model-forge

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Profile Disease #36

Closed torstees closed 3 years ago

torstees commented 3 years ago

Requester information

Request Details

allisonheath commented 3 years ago

This should likely align with the Phenopackets concept of Disease: including their recommendations for terminology to utilize.

Do we have some text we can use to describe the verificationStatus?

liberaliscomputing commented 3 years ago

Re verificationStatus, I commented on a wrong issue, but here is my initial thought:

torstees commented 3 years ago

@allisonheath Sorry, I forget that not everyone has been a party to our discussions here at vandy.

Our current implementation for CMG fhir plugin uses the following:

@liberaliscomputing, I couldn't find your comment.

liberaliscomputing commented 3 years ago

@torstees, the first comment on this issue: (my comment was on a Specimen issue, but the argument itself is about Condition.verficationStatus.

allisonheath commented 3 years ago

@torstees ok great, I think that aligns with how we want to use this for KF data as well. And the agreement was for now if something was not reported / unknown / etc., we would just leave it out, correct?

torstees commented 3 years ago

@allisonheath That is my understanding

nicholasvk commented 3 years ago

In addition to verificationStatus, our team is also interested in capturing information about tumor progression/recurrence in the condition resource and clinicalStatus seems like it could be a good fit. Our recommendation is to use the required code set within this field to indicate active/inactive status and add a SNOMED code set to capture additional detailed information.

eigdwh_69.diagnosis Condition.clinicalStatus SNOMED CT
Initial CNS Tumor - 86049000 or 372087000
  active (level 0) 55561003
Progressive - 255314001
- remission (level 1) 277022003
- relapse (level 1) 263855007
- resolved (level 1) 723506003
Recurrence recurrence (level 1) 246455001
Secondary Malignancy - 128462008
- inactive (level 0) 723506003

Section 3.1 in this document provides a more detailed description of our thoughts on this field.

liberaliscomputing commented 3 years ago

In line with Nick's comment, our recommendation for verificationStatus is first select from the required codes and then add extra concepts from SNOMED CT (if our enumerations are not coverd by the required ValueSet).