Image Analysis and Cell Morphometry Measurements on Retinal Pigment Epithelium cells.
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No ReshapeImaging in the target folder #2

Open JPolentes-Istem opened 1 week ago

JPolentes-Istem commented 1 week ago


thank you for the tool. I am trying to run it, but it the only thing a can obtain is some outlined and counted tif files and a csv file in the Temp folder. I cannot have anything else in the other folders. I do have the subfolders "Analysis", "color coded", etc... but all of them are empty.

Trying to understand the problem, it seems that I miss a reshapeImaging thing, called by the code, in the folder "Imaging". I do have that in the python console ['C:\Users\Analyse2\Desktop\Reshape\REShAPE-main\Imaging\ReshapeImaging', 'Jsonname=C:\Users\Analyse2\Desktop\Elie\new\porcessed 2\C4-RPE_WTC2_bank2_MERTKgreen_BESTROred_PHALLO_40x.json',...] but when i go the corresponding Imaging folder, i cannot find any trace of a ReshapeImaging file or folder.

am I really missing something important, or is the problem elsewhere?

Thank you

JPolentes-Istem commented 1 week ago

thank you @maiarafag for such a fast reaction. I am afraid i am not used to deal with these things. Can you detail the process a bit please?