NIKSS-vSwitch / nikss

Native In-Kernel P4-programmable Software Switch for Software-Defined Networking (previously PSA-eBPF)
Apache License 2.0
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validate-os: remove bpf device field check #110

Closed Trigary closed 4 months ago

Trigary commented 4 months ago

I use NIKSS on a Hyper-V VM running Ubuntu 20.04 (kernel: 5.8). With this setup, BPF is mounted on device "none":

$ mount | grep bpf
none on /sys/fs/bpf type bpf (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700)

nikss-ctl validate-os interpreted this as BPF not being mounted:

$ nikss-ctl validate-os
Kernel family: Linux ... OK
Kernel version: 5.8 ... OK
Machine architecture: x86_64 ... OK
BPF filesystem is mounted: false ... ERROR (BPF filesystem is not mounted)
BPF filesystem mount point:  ... ERROR (expected BPF filesystem to be mounted on /sys/fs/bpf)
BPF filesystem in read-write mode: false ... ERROR (BPF filesystem is not mounted in read-write mode)
Kernel build option CONFIG_BPF: yes ... OK
Invalid system configuration, NIKSS will not work.

This PR fixes that issue by removing the check that requires the mounted device to be named bpf.

Credit goes to @mikroskeem for discovering why validate-os was rejecting my system.

mikroskeem commented 4 months ago

fs_type check is sufficient, as filesystem type is enforced on kernel level. Rough explanation - you can specify pretty much anything as a source to (some? all? we care about bpf here) virtual filesystems, it's ignored and passed as-is.


# mount -t bpf abcdef /mnt/bpf
# mount -t tmpfs xyz /mnt/tmp
# mount -t bpf /dev/sda /mnt/bpf2
# mount -t bpf /dev/nonexistent /mnt/bpf3
# mount | tail -4
abcdef on /mnt/bpf type bpf (rw,relatime)
xyz on /mnt/tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/sda on /mnt/bpf2 type bpf (rw,relatime)
/dev/nonexistent on /mnt/bpf3 type bpf (rw,relatime)
tatry commented 4 months ago

Thanks @mikroskeem, that was I was not sure about in my review.