NIST-ISODB / isotherm-digitizer-panel

Contribution form for NIST adsorption isotherm database implemented using pyviz panel
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create bibliography for submission to isodb #20

Closed ltalirz closed 4 years ago

ltalirz commented 4 years ago


@dwsideriusNIST will ping me when this code is completed

dwsideriusNIST commented 4 years ago

The script to do this is now part of, in the module.

This raises a new concern: some scripts may now be needed by both the digitizer and isodb-library repos. It may be valuable to move all of the library manipulation scripts (basically, *.py in the root dir of dwsideriusNIST/isodb-library) to a separate repo, then add it as a submodule to both isodb-library and isotherm-digitizer-panel

ltalirz commented 4 years ago

Sounds good, we can can have an isodb-tools repo.

I would personally suggest to avoid git submodules and rather install it via pip (one can do so directly from github e.g. pip install git+ In my experience git submodules are a bit tricky to deal with properly and can cause confusion.

dwsideriusNIST commented 4 years ago

Definitely true, submodules are a bit tricky, especially if > 1. Updates are always a bit "cross your fingers and check afterward." isodb-tools will be up today or tomorrow.

dwsideriusNIST commented 4 years ago

Tools are now at:

Package may (probably does) need modifications to be useful via pip

dwsideriusNIST commented 4 years ago

in the planned workflow, the {isotherms} -> bibliography steps are 1) after isotherm post-processing and 2) my job, so I do not think it should be part of the digitizer app. Recommend this issue be closed.

ltalirz commented 4 years ago

Recommend this issue be closed.
