Arron mentioned this about it:
Built Exe problem – I know you posted on this in the CEF forum, but your solution did not work well for me and is it radically increased build times and resulted in large numbers of extra external files. Instead, I modified the to use slightly different pathing in the exe and so that the classes could be built into the exe file. I realize this would not allow for dynamic addition/detection of classes, but I do not need it
IN the forum i added the steps:
Arron mentioned this about it: Built Exe problem – I know you posted on this in the CEF forum, but your solution did not work well for me and is it radically increased build times and resulted in large numbers of extra external files. Instead, I modified the to use slightly different pathing in the exe and so that the classes could be built into the exe file. I realize this would not allow for dynamic addition/detection of classes, but I do not need it
Add a built specification for the project