NIVeriStandAdd-Ons / AIT-664-AFDX-Custom-Device

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The Custom Device can not deploy successfully #1

Open KivenJia opened 7 years ago

KivenJia commented 7 years ago

HI Eric Thanks for provide this Custom Device , but I meet some problems when I deploy it in Veristand. And I cannot find the way to solve it, the version of LabVIEW2015 ,Veristand2015, and related Drivers all are 15.0 . And I also tried 2016 and 16.0. All reports the same ERROR. The XML file I used in system definition file is the example XML file named"Sample_Configuration.xml",which come from the AIT 664 Driver. Could you provide some advices to me about this problem? Thanks a lot , Waitting for you!!

ERROR: The VeriStand Gateway encountered an error while deploying the System Definition file.

Details: Error 2 occurred at Project Window.lvlib:Project >> Project Window.lvlib:Command >> NI_VS Workspace ExecutionAPI.lvlib:NI VeriStand - Connect to

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW: Memory is full。

NI VeriStand: System Cmd is“"C:\Program Files (x86)\AIT\Ethernet SDK v4.15\ES Configuration Tools\tools\convert.exe" -x "C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI VeriStand 2015\Custom Devices\AIT 664\Sample_Configuration.xml" -d "C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI VeriStand 2015\Custom Devices\AIT 664\AitConfigurations"”

Sylphe88 commented 7 years ago

Hello KivenJia,

I am sorry I could not answer before. I have left the company and thus have very limited access to anything technical right now but here is what I think is you issue:

Overall, some more recommendations:

Hope this helps, Best of luck, --Eric

Schlammkuh commented 6 years ago

I'm having nearly the same problem. I'm unsure whether or not it's worth creating a new issue, so I'm reusing this one.

Thanks to Eric's comment from 7 Aug 2017, I managed to get a bit further, but not much.

I ended up with a error -307970 during deployment of my System Definition (NI VeriStand: An inline custom device attempted to access invalid data in the VeriStand Engine. The inline custom device attempted to read or write data using an invalid reference, or a reference that did not have the read or w rite access required for that operation.) See the attached deployment log.

NI VS - Deploy AIT 664 CD error.txt

According to my log, the VI to blame for seems to be 'AIT 664 Custom Device.lvlib:AIT 664 - ReadWrite' trying to access invalid references.

I'm fairly new to NI VeriStand and currently unable to fix this by myself, so I hope to get some ideas here. Maybe I'm missing something?

My environment: Windows 7 SP1 64bit LabVIEW 2017 SP1 (17.0.1f1 32-bit) VeriStand 2017 (2017.0.0.143 32-bit) PXI-Controller PXIe-8840 running LabVIEW RT 17.0.0 VeriStand engine on our PXI RT Target is also 2017.0.0.143. AIT 664 SDK / LabVIEW drivers 4.17.0 AIT 664 RT driver support 4.17.0 installed on our PXI real-time target AIT 664 PXI board ordered & delivered from NI in Dec 2017, so according to Eric, I suppose, it's a older v1 board? (As advised by Eric, I also tried the older drivers / SDK from AIT provided on the CD that shipped with my card (version 1.6.0), but I couldn't build the custom device, because the setup.exe from the CD did not install any LabVIEW VIs to my LabVIEW user.lib / instr.lib.)

What I have done so far is basically downloaded the custom device, changed the system exec call from 'convert.exe' to 'convertEth.exe', fixed a missing library membership for a VI contained in the user.lib, re-linked with two VIs in the custom device All AIT 664 Driver and successfully built both the Configuration / Engine.

After that, I added the custom device to my VeriStand System Definition and configured it successfully (As a start, I chose the 'simpleLoopback.xml' example database file provided by the AIT SDK, and set the VISA resource address to what NI MAX told me). During deployment of the System Definition I always get error -307970 as described above.

Can anybody help me out here?, b/c I'm stuck right now. Am I missing something?



Schlammkuh commented 6 years ago

Ok, after a few months of doing something else, I came back to my issue and finally found a solution working for me. I thought I'd share this for others having similar issues with the newer/current drivers/API from the AIT website.

I finally got the old drivers installed from the CD that shipped with my card (got it from NI). It had the V1.6.0 API on it. After having run setup.exe from the CD normally to install everything else except the LabVIEW drivers, I ran into the problem as stated above, as I was not able to get the LabVIEW drivers installed as well. So I extracted the contents of setup.exe using the "innounp" tool from here. Then I manually copied everything from (Extracted files)\{reg_HKLM\Software\National Instruments\LabVIEW\11.0_Path} into my LabVIEW programs directory (which is at C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2017).

Note: The RT drivers got installed automatically by setup.exe.

After that, I rebuilt the custom device, added it to my system definition and used the very same simpleLoopback.xml as stated above, et voilà - my system definition successfully deployed and I can loopback Ethernet frames (checked by removing the RJ45 cable and it correctly stopped working then).
