NLESC-JCER / Fortran_Davidson

Davidson eigensolver implemented in Fortran
Apache License 2.0
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matrix free implementation issue #29

Closed felipeZ closed 5 years ago

felipeZ commented 5 years ago

In the current implementation of the Matrix-free version:


felipeZ commented 5 years ago

@lopeztarifa I have done a couple of optimizations and fix the issues mention above. Do you think that there are further improvements to do?

lopeztarifa commented 5 years ago

Great work!

Now the compute_DPR_free is much more elegant and efficient.

Just a final remark, we discussed the addition of a third argument to the generate_preconditioner function so you can change the first dimension of precond. It is not there, right? Might be it was to specif to the Champ case ... it is Friday and I am off guard. This is what I mean:

Free: _V = generate_preconditioner( d(1:dim_sub), dimsub, nparm) ! Initial orthonormal basis Desnse: _V = generate_preconditioner(d(1:dim_sub), dimsub, size(mtx,1))


  _function generate_preconditioner(diag, dim_sub, dim_base) result(precond)
    !> \brief generates a diagonal preconditioner for `matrix`.
    !> \return diagonal matrix

    ! input variable
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: diag
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_sub, dim_base

    ! local variables
    real(dp), dimension(dim_base, dim_sub) :: precond                                                                                                                                                              
    integer, dimension(size(diag)) :: keys
    integer :: i, k

    ! sort diagonal
    keys = lapack_sort('I', diag)
    ! Fill matrix with zeros
    precond = 0.0_dp

    ! Add one depending on the order of the matrix diagonal
    do i=1, dim_sub
       k = search_key(keys, i)
       precond(k, i) = 1.d0
    end do

  end function generate_preconditioner_
felipeZ commented 5 years ago

The generate_preconditioner subroutine is already called in this line for the free implementation and define here.