NLKNguyen / papercolor-16

A collection of color schemes based on PaperColor Theme for various environments
MIT License
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POSIX sh to set color for linux terminals (maybe would work on mac) #3

Open pickfire opened 8 years ago

pickfire commented 8 years ago

The current shell script uses bash shell which isn't fast and portable, maybe we could use posix sh and support the other terminal at the same time.

NLKNguyen commented 8 years ago

I don't mind deleting the current one for gnome-terminal. It was generated by the old base16 palette. It's outdated now. I'm welcoming alternative options.

pickfire commented 8 years ago

@NLKNguyen I don't quite like the new generated base16 palette since it is using weird colors from 17-21. The really do broke a lot of things.

Now vim and neovim both supports true color now and I see no reason to mess with the 256 colors anymore other than the 16 colors.

NLKNguyen commented 8 years ago

I also like to only use 16 colors for terminal themes. While fancy terminals are increasing, suck terminals are still dominant. I use Windows Command Prompt as the lowest bar. My goal for now is to support these suckers :D

True color on vim/nvim depends on whether the terminal supports true color. On 1.0 PaperColor-Theme, true colors can be downgraded to 256 colors automatically if needed, not perfectly of course, but there will be little concern. The PaperColor (light/dark) theme is still based on 256-color because it's sufficient since the beginning.

NLKNguyen commented 8 years ago

What are the common terminals that you see people using a lot? I want to target the most popular ones first.

pickfire commented 8 years ago

@NLKNguyen Yes, I hate windows command prompt, sucks a lot especially powershell.

For linux terminals, I can't suggest one since there are tons of it. I use st personally. For now, there only a few terminal that doesn't support true color in linux.