NLKNguyen / papercolor-theme

:art: Light & Dark Vim color schemes inspired by Google's Material Design
MIT License
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[HELP] making help page #115

Closed NLKNguyen closed 5 years ago

NLKNguyen commented 6 years ago

As PaperColor grows over the years, many features are added and documented in README and other markdown files. Eventually, a proper help page becomes necessary. Moreover, it's a good practice for a Vim plugin. I haven't created any Vim help page and certainly don't know how to make a good one, so I'd like some help adding a help page, maybe based on the existing document written in README.

Also, there was a discussion in Vim project about shipping PaperColor as part of Vim distribution (, and a help page is one of the things that PaperColor is missing therefore not ready for shipping.

digitaico commented 6 years ago

HI NKyle, I was looking to message you to say thanks for sharing such a great color theme. I Installed it, worked as expected, and now my VIM IDE looks better. Thank you, in doning, so looking to message you, I found this thread asking for contributors, so I think that is fair to collaborate and I propose my self as a contributor to your wonderful project.

NLKNguyen commented 6 years ago

@datelligence Great to hear that you enjoy this color scheme like I enjoy using it myself, which is why I keep improving it when I stumble upon a new set of languages or when users request. The progress is there but nowhere as quick as requests coming in. So, I'm looking forward to your contributions! Thanks :+1:

NLKNguyen commented 5 years ago

Solved with #125