NLKNguyen / papercolor-theme

:art: Light & Dark Vim color schemes inspired by Google's Material Design
MIT License
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Background/float border normal float #192

Open alexeygumirov opened 1 year ago

alexeygumirov commented 1 year ago

Fix of the border background for compatibility with plugin for NeoVIM. In the LSP section for NeoVIM two highlight groups are added: FloatBorder and NormalFloat.

NLKNguyen commented 1 year ago

Can you put back the {{{ }}} foldings? Those help collapse code regions to make it easy to navigate, as noted at the beginning of the file. Thanks!

" Note on navigating this source code:
" - Use folding feature to collapse/uncollapse blocks of marked code
"     zM to fold all markers in this file to see the structure of the source code
"     zR to unfold all recursively
"     za to toggle a fold
"     See: