NLPchina / Word2VEC_java

word2vec java版本的一个实现
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library下的文件在哪下载 #27

Open lg003x opened 7 years ago

lg003x commented 7 years ago


ansjsun commented 7 years ago


Jonna28 commented 7 years ago

I dont have the library file. "Exception in thread "main" library\xh.txt (The system cannot find the path specified)" Please help me with it. where can i find the library?

Jonna28 commented 7 years ago

what will be there in library\javaVector?

Jonna28 commented 7 years ago

Good, I created a corpus file and created Vector for it. Trained successfully!!!

lg003x commented 7 years ago

Word2VEC 26行 有啊

Cumberbatch08 commented 7 years ago

我把整个工程复制进我的eclipse之后,运行Word2VEC的时候,在26行的时候,Word2VEC vec = new Word2VEC(); vec.loadJavaModel("library/javaSkip1");是什么呢? 在Learn文件中,445行的libiary又是什么呢? 谁可以做一个完整的演示呢?或者可以交流一下。

zw231212 commented 7 years ago

@Jonna28 可以把你的文件结构看一下么?我现在是在src同级目录下创建的文件,但是那个libary/JavaSkip1这样的文件是怎么一个结构了?