NLeSC / ahn-pointcloud-viewer

3D point cloud visualization of the Netherlands
Apache License 2.0
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Import data into Sketchup? #19

Open BartVB opened 7 years ago

BartVB commented 7 years ago

I would love to use the data from:

in Sketchup to do a shadow study in Sketchup. I've been pondering on how to convert the .laz data from to something Sketchup can understand but so far I haven't been able to accomplish this. I've tried CloudCompare, ArcGIS, qGIS, etc, but all to no avail.

Has someone here been able to get this to work?

oscarmartinezrubi commented 7 years ago

You mean the data in LAZ file that the app allows to download after selecting an area?

Or you mean "all the data"?

If the question is the first one, then you can use liblas tool las2txt ( or PDAL if you want to convert LAS/LAZ to other formats

If the question is the second one, well the short answer is... no (afaik).

macfreek commented 6 years ago

First of all, thanks for the great website! I found the export function to be immensely helpful for a hobbyist like myself. If you are in the NLeSC building, I'll buy you a lunch (I'm on the 2nd floor, SURFsara network group). :)

I'm aware that I'm replying to an older threat, but had the same question. As this question is mostly about a workflow, rather than a bug report on the pointcloud viewer, I posted it on along with my results so far.