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Generator should have option to append "empty" entry for all fields of a single file #116

Open nielsdrost opened 8 years ago

nielsdrost commented 8 years ago

Right now figuring out what I can fill in, what I need to fill in, etc is rather cumbersome.

We should perhaps add an option to the generator to "fill" a file with all possible keys from the schema. That way you at least know what you need to fill in / when you are done, etc

Perhaps even add a line with possible values / description, etc, as a comment above each key.

(edit: whoops first add content, then create ticket)

blootsvoets commented 8 years ago

So possibly two new functions:

estep generator maximize <schema> <filename> and estep generator minimize <filename> ?

We have the descriptions from the schema, and YAML supports comments, so extra descriptions would be extra nice. BUT. We use objects (without comments) in the code so we have write out the YAML in another way... Also: to preserve the comments, we also have to read in the YAML in a different way.

nielsdrost commented 8 years ago

I don't understand the difference between maximize and minimize.

I would not have a problem with creating an invalid file which the user then needs to correct.

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