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Add publications link to main menu #153

Open wrvhage opened 8 years ago

wrvhage commented 8 years ago

Add "Publications" next to "Software", "People", etc.

sverhoeven commented 8 years ago

My suggestion:

  1. Add dois property to project, which contains a list of dois of publications made in the project
  2. Create estep generate publications command, which will create a publications data file containing for each doi a record with
    • the doi
    • list of project uris (sources of the doi)
    • the html of doi converted to bibliography, using style apa or ieee-with-url, generated with curl -H 'Accept: text/bibliography; style=ieee-with-url' for example
  3. Create publication.html template with list of publications with a link to doi and link to it's project(s)
  4. On _layouts/project.html, render list of publications of the project itself
nielsdrost commented 8 years ago

Agreed. Do we also want to fetch metadata by getting the json version of the entry?

curl -H 'Accept:application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json'

sverhoeven commented 8 years ago

Only if we do something with that json. Like having a filtering on publication date/author/publisher (similar to software page) or grouping per year.

If we want that, create a separate issue for it, lets use this issue to get a simple version for publications done.

sverhoeven commented 8 years ago

The publications should be ordered by date. For this we need to fetch the json.

sverhoeven commented 8 years ago

Added generator which fetches publication date.

estep generate publication
sverhoeven commented 8 years ago

The publications with a DOI from have been added as _publication/*.md files.

Most of the publications don't have a DOI. Their DOI's need to be retrieved and their publication Markdown files must be generated.

Also the publications should be tied to a project when possible.