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Legend colours of subdivision in histogram are not always correct #181

Open evertrol opened 5 years ago

evertrol commented 5 years ago

The colours in the legend of a histogram, when using a subdivision on a variable (thus creating a stacked histogram) are not always correct. This appears to depend on the zoom / selection level.

I have included two animated gifs to show the issue 1: histo-subselect-legendcolours-1

Here, the initial selection turns both legend boxes grey, even though there is a (one item) selection. Extending the selection keeps both legend boxes grey. Once zoomed in, the legend boxes both turn turquoise ("female").

2: histo-subselect-legendcolours-2

Here, I've changed the subdivision to class, with 3 bins. At the start, the legend shows just two colours, even though there are three colours in the figure. The values next to the legend boxes indicate the possible underlying problem, since the class values are 1, 2 and 3; not 4/3, 2 and 8/3 (settings from "configure partition" for the subdivision: min / max value: 1 and 3; number of bins: 3; fixed number of bins. This configuration happens during the "white graph" part near the beginning). At the end, we end up with three turquoise boxes, while the histogram shows all three class colours.