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Explore tools for retrieval of scenes #57

Closed fnattino closed 4 years ago

fnattino commented 4 years ago

As a researcher that needs to process time-series of optical satellite images from various sources (Sentinel-2, Landsat, etc.) I want to investigate tools for automatic retrieval of images So that I can download scenes for selected regions, days of the year and cloud conditions

Acceptance Criteria


Links to info and code

rogerkuou commented 4 years ago

@fnattino Hi Francesco, I am thinking maybe you need some help with this? shall we break this down to some small steps and separate the task?

fnattino commented 4 years ago

Hi @rogerkuou , indeed I wanted to discuss this with you. I think we can brainstorm and work on this together.

rogerkuou commented 4 years ago

Hi Francesco, I have did some search for the following three satellites, below are my summary:

Planet RapidEye

Data available in principle for commercial usage. According to this page one can submit the proposal to ESA to acquire data for a certain region for research usage.


In principle data available for downloading via web GUI, but ESA iser registration required. Did not fin existing solution for downloading in script, but i think in principle we can create some thing to request the data.


The access is open. Here is an example of how to get data in command line

yifatdzigan commented 4 years ago


fnattino commented 4 years ago

Glacier locations

Rough glacier locations can be retrieved from the GLIMS Glacier database. The full database can be downloaded as a zip file of approx. 1GB in size. For each glacier, shapefiles with polygons representing boundaries (with internal rocks). Online maps and search tools are also available for test queries.

Data Repositories

Satellite data from popular missions such as Landsat and Sentinel can be accessed from multiple platforms. For instance, Sentinel images can be downloaded from the ESA Copernicus Open Access Hub but also from AWS and Google Earth Engine. In addition, multiple services are built around image repositories, offering GUI-based portals to search, visualise and download data from one or multiple missions, e.g:

Each of these services has its own tools to automatise the search and the download of data, making their scope not so generic. An interesting initiative in this field is the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) which is a set of common standards for exposing geospatial (meta-)data. Many of the services above expose STAC-compliant catalogs, meaning that users can query them using common APIs. Some catalogs require registration (e.g. the Sentinel Hub one), and various catalogs differ in the data availability and update frequency, so these information could be checked in order to select the catalog to query. The common API, however, allows the same tool to be used for all catalogs (see sat-search below). Available open-access catalogs include Landsat, Sentinel and CBERS collections, mostly pointing to data on AWS. Unfortunately, while meta-data for all these missions are publicly available, not all assets can be accessed from AWS: Sentinel-2 data are in a requester pays buckets, so users pay to download the full images (costs are based on HTTP requests and transfer size), even though fees seem rather limited.

Existing Tools

In Summary

A tool to retrieve satellite images for a given glacier could involve:

rogerkuou commented 4 years ago

@fnattino Hi Francesco, I think this is a very detailed and clear summary! I agree with using sat-search as the query tool because it gives us more opportunities on working with data other than Sentinel-2 (comparing with the parallelCollGS option Bas mentioned).

About the archive, as far as I can see, if our goal is to query and download at least S2 and LANDSAT, it seems the best generic option we have now is google-cloud-storage, since AWS does not hold all the data, and SciHub only has S2 data? Maybe what will happen in the near future is we do a initial development to pass sat-search results to google-cloud-storage. If there are better options in the future, we do not need to change the query part.

fnattino commented 4 years ago

@rogerkuou thanks for the review! Yep, public buckets are available on google cloud both for Sentinel-2 and Landsat, so maybe this is the best option for now..