NLeSC / xtas

Distributed text analysis suite based on Celery
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WSGI container usage needs some docs #74

Open larsmans opened 9 years ago

larsmans commented 9 years ago

@nucflash, would you care to write up a one sentence-summary of how to run xtas.webserver within uwsgi? (I just merged your patch as b0d9d40d5001c5ab3b4e1dc60bb18138c7daf67e, thanks!)

nucflash commented 9 years ago

Sure. Here's the a simple command to use for running xtas via uwsgi:

uwsgi -s <host>:<port> --virtualenv <xtas_virtual_env> --enable-threads -w xtas.webserver

I also have .ini files for running xtas as a vassal for uwsgi Emperor, and an init.d script for starting up Emperor. I can share them if you find them useful.

larsmans commented 9 years ago

Cool, that would be very useful!