NLightenGroup / nlighten-ontology

Ontology repository for the NLighten Project
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How do we feel about the property groupings? #61

Closed marijane closed 6 years ago

marijane commented 6 years ago

Do they make sense? Should any of them move? We have three groupings to work with.

nicolevasilevsky commented 6 years ago

maybe group email and phone # together on organization and person

nicolevasilevsky commented 6 years ago

maybe put first name, last name above additional name on person, and title before description

marijane commented 6 years ago

I have no control over additional name, that's built into the software.

nicolevasilevsky commented 6 years ago

in eagle-i, we always had Web address at the bottom, so maybe move that to the bottom on the educational resources page