NLthijs48 / AreaShop

A Bukkit/Spigot (Minecraft server) plugin that facilitates renting and buying WorldGuard regions
GNU General Public License v3.0
56 stars 89 forks source link

Add Sponge support #246

Open NLthijs48 opened 7 years ago

NLthijs48 commented 7 years ago

Sponge is an upcoming API for Minecraft servers and there is interest in a plugin like AreaShop. To get AreaShop for Sponge the following things need to be done:

If you are interested in using AreaShop with Sponge, please leave a +1 or comment on this issue

parlough commented 7 years ago

I would like to see this port, but I have a few things to point out.

  1. There is nothing like Vault in Sponge, because it is built into the API .
  2. There isn't really a port of WorldGuard yet, the prominent protection plugins are FoxGuard and GriefPrevention.
  3. It might be time to give Gradle a shot instead of Maven. It works really well for multi-platform projects and is what Sponge chooses to use as its main build tool, plus it works well for Bukkit/Spigot. You'll learn to love it.
bloodmc commented 7 years ago

@NLthijs48 Once you get your code working with Sponge, I can add the necessary API required for you to hook into GriefPrevention. My version of GP is more advanced than Bukkit's such that it has an entire flag system built-in that is powered by permission plugins.

As Meronat stated, there is no comparable plugin like Vault since it is not needed with an Economy API built into SpongeAPI.

Latest code can be found here

Source - Forums -

NLthijs48 commented 7 years ago

@Meronat Thanks for your input!

  1. I knew there was some sort of Economy in Sponge, thanks for pointing the documentation for it.
  2. I thought WorldGuard was getting ported, but I might be wrong about that, using another region plugin will lead to even more changes though (but would make AreaShop a lot more independent and flexible), as already listed in #175.
  3. Gradle looks cool, if I need to change the build files in a major way anyway then it indeed might be worth switching.

@bloodmc Thanks for the offer, I really like GriefPrevention on my current Spigot server so that for sure is a nice candidate. One problem GriefPrevention might have is that regions cannot be above each other, which would limit AreaShop because it is also used for things like Prison, which have cells above each other (this concern is assuming this behavior did not change in the Sponge version). It might be best if AreaShop can work with multiple region providers at the same time, which would solve this problem.

If I start working on it I'll contact you.

bloodmc commented 7 years ago

@NLthijs48 I rewrote a good amount of GriefPrevention for Sponge in order to be more mod friendly. Unlike GP in bukkit, the Sponge version supports 3D cuboids(you can place claims above claims). I also added a flag system which is similar to Worldguard but more advanced to support mods. The entire flag system is powered by permission plugins. There are also a bunch more commands to manage your claims. Claims are world aware as well as configs. You can configure options to on a specific player or group. Plus more :) I'm currently working on an interactive interface for managing claims and plan on adding some town features soon.

NLthijs48 commented 7 years ago

@bloodmc Those are very nice features, that really makes it the best candidate for AreaShop on Sponge. Great to see that the GriefPrevention plugin is in good hands 😄

Bennyboy1695 commented 7 years ago

Would love for this port to happen, currently there are no easy ways to make an area just for shops. Theres plugins that have attempted regions within themselves for shops but they just dont work as good as areashop. While worldguard isnt available for sponge, i have seen the foxguard dev mention on a few of the sponge posts regarding shops and regions, say that they will happily add code or api calls into foxguard to create the ability to make areashops and region shops etc.

bloodmc commented 7 years ago


API support as you requested. Hooks into most of GP internals.

NLthijs48 commented 7 years ago

@bloodmc Cool! That sure looks like everything I need to integrate into it.

Still there is the massive task of porting everything though, maybe I'll start with creating a small plugin in Sponge soon to get started with the API.

ResqDiver1317 commented 7 years ago

I would love to see this ported. We just launched a SkyFactory3 server and would like to have a "Mall" where players can rent spaces for the shops. On our other servers, we use Areashop and really like how well it works. I built the mall area at our spawn area only to realize after it was built that there was nothing for Sponge that would allow me to setup rental spaces :(

tolly765 commented 6 years ago

I hate to bump up an old issue, but is there any update on this? Our group would love for this to be ported to sponge! I know it's not an easy task to do this, but any update would be greatly appreciated!

NLthijs48 commented 6 years ago

I'm sorry but the next couple of months I will still be busy with my thesis for the Master Computer Science, I don't expect to have time to work on this before I finish it. Even when I decide to start this project it will likely take months to finish. AreaShop is a big plugin and rewriting it to be platform independent will take a lot of time.

tolly765 commented 6 years ago

Well, whilst that's probably going to bring some sad looks around the sponge community (it was a huge plugin), I completely understand. Good luck on your thesis NL, I hope you make it through! 😄

ProsperCraft commented 6 years ago

We need this :) 👍

Livux commented 5 years ago

Would love to!

tmoflash commented 5 years ago

I would love to see this ported over to Sponge love this plugin and how it integrates with both worldguard and worldedit. I see the protection plugins are mentioned above one protection plugin I started using that is very similar to world guard is UniversalGuard 2.

ghost commented 5 years ago

"Up" ?

Coolkc456 commented 5 years ago

People have been wanting a space rental plugin in Sponge for years... it still hasn't happened yet. Don't leave us Sponge users hanging. :) This port is wanted highly by the community.

NLthijs48 commented 5 years ago

Although I know there are a lot of people that would like to have AreaShop for Sponge, there are a few reasons why I will probably not start a project like that in the near future. First of all I'm not actively running a Minecraft server, and have never ran Sponge before. Next to that I'm struggling to keep up with support and bug fixes for AreaShop on Spigot already, let alone adding more features to it. Porting AreaShop to Sponge is a huge project, and will take significant time, which I currently don't have.

During the first years starting and running AreaShop I was a student, and had plenty of time building AreaShop, doing support and running a Minecraft server. But since a year ago I'm finished with my studies and working fulltime as a developer at a great company (new online supermarket in The Netherlands, Crisp).

These are the reasons I don't have as much time and incentive to work on AreaShop, especially porting it to a new platform, even though I am still really happy I made AreaShop to what it is today, and would like to support it for as long as I can. I'm fully open to someone else porting AreaShop to Sponge, all source files are available, but I understand that would be even harder for someone that is not familiar with the AreaShop codebase.

ProsperCraft commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the reply.