NLthijs48 / AreaShop

A Bukkit/Spigot (Minecraft server) plugin that facilitates renting and buying WorldGuard regions
GNU General Public License v3.0
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help with greetings #590

Open Nacholebraa opened 3 years ago

Nacholebraa commented 3 years ago

Current behavior When I buy and sell a region the greetings of the world guard region don't disable.

Desired behavior Wondering how to disable the greetings for everything, but keep the greetings for when a property is for sale,rent, resell

Your environment 1.116.5

Your config files AreaShop and

iiMilan commented 2 years ago

I found this in the config. Maybe you could tune some of those settings.

  ##### Set WorldGuard regions flags depending on the region state.
  # All normal region flags as present in WorldGuard can be used, in addition to 'members', 'owners', 'priority' and 'parent'.
  # The members and owners flag normally take a list of UUID's separated by a comma, adding by name is possible with 'n:<name>'.
  # You can add groups by using 'g:<groupname>', so an example woul be: '%uuid%, %friendsuuid%, g:vip, n:coolGuy'.
  # For allow/deny flags like 'entry' and 'exit' you can set the group setting by using 'g:<scope>', <scope> is one of the following:
  #     members, non_members, owners, non_owners, all. Example, only members can enter the region:
  #       entry: 'deny g:non_members'
  # '' will remove the flag from the region.
    ALL: # Flags that should always be applied
      priority: 10
      owners: ''
      members: ''
      interact: 'deny g:non_members' # Only allow region members/owners to use things in the region (chests, furnace, animals, etc.)
      use: 'deny g:non_members'
      build: 'deny g:non_members'
      block-break: 'deny g:non_members'
      block-place: 'deny g:non_members'
      greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-forrent%'
      members: ''
      greeting: ''
      greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-forsale%'
      members: ''
      greeting: ''
      members: '%uuid%, %friendsuuid%'
      greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-resale%'