NNPDF / hawaiian_vrap

vrap with pineappl
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vrap grids at NNLO #21

Closed scarlehoff closed 2 years ago

scarlehoff commented 2 years ago

Addresses #13

For the central scale seems to work (pineappl and vrap produce the same result). It would be good to have a third code to properly check the results of course... (beyond the fact that they haven't changed since the initial version).

scarlehoff commented 2 years ago

The numbers are not absolutely crazy for the scale variations (which means that if I missed something at least it does not multiply a divergence).

In order to test the scale variations I can also generate a grid for r_muR=2, r_muF=0.5 for instance. @cschwan how do I get the results for that? What would --scales 3 or --scales 7 produce?

cschwan commented 2 years ago

@scarlehoff I suppose you can leave the scale variation set to its default (7-point scale variation), but give convolute the extra switch -a (short for --absolute), which will explicitly show you all seven scale-varied results.

cschwan commented 2 years ago

In order to test the scale variations I can also generate a grid for r_muR=2, r_muF=0.5 for instance.

However, for this particular scale variation you'll need the 9-point one.

scarlehoff commented 2 years ago

Ok -s 9 -a is what I need. Thanks!

cschwan commented 2 years ago

One last comment:

b                   etal                   dsig/detal     (1,1)       (2,2)     (0.5,0.5)     (2,1)       (1,2)      (0.5,1)     (1,0.5)  
                     []                       [pb]        [pb]        [pb]        [pb]        [pb]        [pb]        [pb]        [pb]    
 0                   0 0.21000000000000002 5.8160276e2 5.8160276e2 5.9586544e2 5.7033788e2 5.8173849e2 5.9153986e2 5.8143363e2 5.6518854e2
 1 0.21000000000000002 0.42000000000000004 5.8305367e2 5.8305367e2 5.9740188e2 5.7166953e2 5.8318310e2 5.9309082e2 5.8289238e2 5.6652444e2
 2 0.42000000000000004                0.63 5.8507036e2 5.8507036e2 5.9952938e2 5.7351192e2 5.8522952e2 5.9520110e2 5.8487204e2 5.6842278e2
 3                0.63  0.8400000000000001 5.8978094e2 5.8978094e2 6.0445348e2 5.7789617e2 5.8985141e2 6.0024712e2 5.8969313e2 5.7274408e2
 4  0.8400000000000001                1.05 5.9404180e2 5.9404180e2 6.0883674e2 5.8190653e2 5.9407032e2 6.0470514e2 5.9400625e2 5.7675040e2
 5                1.05                1.37 6.0055591e2 6.0055591e2 6.1572014e2 5.8782319e2 6.0043869e2 6.1183196e2 6.0070196e2 5.8261226e2
 6                1.37                1.52 6.0807392e2 6.0807392e2 6.2360037e2 5.9472526e2 6.0764516e2 6.2016255e2 6.0860817e2 5.8930040e2
 7                1.52                1.74 6.0948805e2 6.0948805e2 6.2532209e2 5.9560835e2 6.0896514e2 6.2213068e2 6.1013961e2 5.9024710e2
 8                1.74                1.95 6.1029012e2 6.1029012e2 6.2631099e2 5.9590317e2 6.0925596e2 6.2391246e2 6.1157873e2 5.9024184e2
 9                1.95                2.18 6.0109307e2 6.0109307e2 6.1710921e2 5.8635416e2 5.9964338e2 6.1550267e2 6.0289943e2 5.8061802e2
10                2.18                 2.5 5.7361389e2 5.7361389e2 5.8869057e2 5.5929736e2 5.7108844e2 5.8881951e2 5.7676068e2 5.5301373e2

will show you the results as tuples of the form (xi_R, xi_F).

scarlehoff commented 2 years ago

Great, it works :)

Results computed "by hand":

(1,1) --- (0.5, 0.5) --- (2,1)  --- (1,2) --- (2,2) --- (0.5, 2)  ---  (2, 0.5)
440.5  ---     471.8  ---  421.0   ---  435.6 --- 411.4 ---  468.2   --- 441.4

results produced by pineappl

Pineappl results:
bin       x0           x1        diff        (1,1)       (2,2)     (0.5,0.5)     (2,1)       (1,2)      (0.5,1)     (1,0.5)     (2,0.5)     (0.5,2)  
  0 7.10428 7.10428 -0.2 -0.2 4.4126323e2 4.4126323e2 4.1193325e2 4.7313431e2 4.2144816e2 4.3644362e2 4.6793163e2 4.5582043e2 4.4179080e2 4.7050294e2
cschwan commented 2 years ago

Results computed "by hand":

Do you have these results with more digits? For some of them the accuracy is a bit worse maybe - are they computed using separate MC runs? If so, what are the MC uncertainties for them?

scarlehoff commented 2 years ago

I added one extra digit (the mc error is around 0.1 for everyone).

The only one that worries me is (0.5, 2.0) but since (0.5, 2.0) is ok I'm less worried.

cschwan commented 2 years ago

This is what I find (differences are given in per mille):

      scale      diff
1     (1,1) 1.7326447
2     (2,2) 1.2961838
3 (0.5,0.5) 2.8281263
4     (2,1) 1.0645131
5     (1,2) 1.9366850
6   (2,0.5) 0.8853647
7   (0.5,2) 4.9187100

and the differences in multiples of the MC uncertainty (0.1):

      scale   sigma
1     (1,1)  7.6323
2     (2,2)  5.3325
3 (0.5,0.5) 13.3431
4     (2,1)  4.4816
5     (1,2)  8.4362
6   (2,0.5)  3.9080
7   (0.5,2) 23.0294
scarlehoff commented 2 years ago

yeah, as I said, 0.5-2 is the only one that worries me. I wonder whether vrap implements its own alpha_s since the other bigger difference is 0.5,0.5.

scarlehoff commented 2 years ago

At NLO we have the same kind of differences.

If you want we can do a proper check etc to know where the differences are coming from and all that, but I think most of it is due to the interpolation itself (already almost a 2 per-mille difference for (1,1)) which makes sense since we are subtracting numerical divergences inside the pineappl grid. Then these differences increase a bit more when the values grow (as alpha_s grow).

I would consider these numbers as ok x)