Closed ulysses78 closed 1 year ago
Here is the code for the locations/
Contains information about locations
Each location (i.e. SCC station) is defined in an .ini file. For some stations,
the .ini files are included with the software but custom locations can be defined.
import io
import sys
from configparser import ConfigParser, SectionProxy
from importlib.resources import read_text
from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Union
from rich.markdown import Markdown
from rich.table import Table
from pollyxt_pipelines import config
from pollyxt_pipelines.console import console
from pollyxt_pipelines.utils import ints_to_csv
class Location(NamedTuple):
Represents a physical location of PollyXT installation.
name: str
"""Location friendly name"""
profile_name: str
"""How are the WRF profile names prefixed"""
sounding_provider: str
"""Which radiosonde provider to use"""
scc_code: str
"""SCC Station code"""
lat: float
"""Latitude of station"""
lon: float
"""Longitude of station"""
altitude_asl: float
"""Altitude of station"""
daytime_configuration: int
"""SCC Lidar Configuration ID - Daytime"""
nighttime_configuration: int
"""SCC Lidar Configuration ID - Nightime"""
calibration_configuration_355nm: int
"""SCC Lidar Configuration ID - Calibration (355 nm)"""
calibration_configuration_532nm: int
"""SCC Lidar Configuration ID - Calibration (532 nm)"""
calibration_configuration_1064nm: int
"""SCC Lidar Configuration ID - Calibration (1064 nm)"""
depol_calibration_zero_state: int
"""Value of `depol_cal_angle` when there is *no* calibration taking place"""
channel_id: List[int]
"""Mapping of PollyXT Channels to SCC Channels
Comma-separated list. The order of the list is the order of the channels in the
PollyXT netCDF file.
background_low: List[int]
"""Value for the `Background_Low` variable"""
background_high: List[int]
"""Value for the `Background_High` variable"""
lr_input: List[int]
"""Value for the `lr_input` variable"""
temperature: int
"""Temperature at the lidar station (`Temperature_at_Lidar_Station` variable)"""
pressure: int
"""Pressure at the lidar station (`Pressure_at_Lidar_Station` variable)"""
total_channel_355_nm_idx: int
"""Index in Polly netCDF file for the total channel (355nm)"""
cross_channel_355_nm_idx: int
"""Index in Polly netCDF file for the cross channel (355nm)"""
total_channel_532_nm_idx: int
"""Index in Polly netCDF file for the total channel (532nm)"""
cross_channel_532_nm_idx: int
"""Index in Polly netCDF file for the cross channel (532nm)"""
total_channel_1064_nm_idx: int
"""Index in Polly netCDF file for the total channel (1064nm)"""
cross_channel_1064_nm_idx: int
"""Index in Polly netCDF file for the cross channel (1064nm)"""
calibration_355nm_total_channel_ids: List[int]
Calibration channel SCC IDs for 355nm. Comma separated list. First value must be the
+45° channel, second value must be the -45° channel.
calibration_355nm_cross_channel_ids: List[int]
Calibration channel SCC IDs for 355nm. Comma separated list. First value must be the
+45° channel, second value must be the -45° channel.
calibration_532nm_total_channel_ids: List[int]
Calibration channel SCC IDs for 532nm. Comma separated list. First value must be the
+45° channel, second value must be the -45° channel.
calibration_532nm_cross_channel_ids: List[int]
Calibration channel SCC IDs for 532nm. Comma separated list. First value must be the
+45° channel, second value must be the -45° channel.
calibration_1064nm_total_channel_ids: List[int]
Calibration channel SCC IDs for 1064nm. Comma separated list. First value must be the
+45° channel, second value must be the -45° channel.
calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids: List[int]
Calibration channel SCC IDs for 1064nm. Comma separated list. First value must be the
+45° channel, second value must be the -45° channel.
def print(self):
Prints this location as a Table in the terminal
table = Table(
for key, value in self._asdict().items():
if isinstance(value, list):
value = ints_to_csv(value)
table.add_row(key, str(value))
def location_from_section(name: str, section: SectionProxy) -> Location:
Create a Location from a ConfigParser Section (SectionProxy)
channel_id = [int(x.strip()) for x in section.get("channel_id").split(",")]
background_low = [int(x.strip()) for x in section.get("background_low").split(",")]
background_high = [
int(x.strip()) for x in section.get("background_high").split(",")
lr_input = [int(x.strip()) for x in section.get("lr_input").split(",")]
calibration_355nm_total_channel_ids = [
for x in section.get("calibration_355nm_total_channel_ids").split(",")
calibration_355nm_cross_channel_ids = [
for x in section.get("calibration_355nm_cross_channel_ids").split(",")
calibration_532nm_total_channel_ids = [
for x in section.get("calibration_532nm_total_channel_ids").split(",")
calibration_532nm_cross_channel_ids = [
for x in section.get("calibration_532nm_cross_channel_ids").split(",")
calibration_1064nm_total_channel_ids = [
for x in section.get("calibration_1064nm_total_channel_ids").split(",")
calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids = [
for x in section.get("calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids").split(",")
return Location(
def read_locations() -> Dict[str, Location]:
Reads all built-in and custom locations into a dictionary: name -> Location
locations = {}
# Read built-in locations
locations_buffer = io.StringIO(
read_text("pollyxt_pipelines.locations", "locations.ini")
locations_config = ConfigParser()
for name in locations_config.sections():
section = locations_config[name]
locations[name] = location_from_section(name, section)
# Read custom locations
location_paths = [path / "locations.ini" for path in config.config_paths()]
locations_config = ConfigParser()
for name in locations_config.sections():
section = locations_config[name]
locations[name] = location_from_section(name, section)
except Exception:
f"Could not load locations from config file, problem occured in section [{name}]."
console.print("Check the following files:")
for path in location_paths:
if path.is_file():
return locations
LOCATIONS = read_locations()
"""List of all known locations"""
def get_location_by_scc_code(code: str) -> Union[Location, None]:
Returns a location by its SCC code or `None` if it doesn't exist.
for loc in LOCATIONS.values():
if loc.scc_code == code:
return loc
return None
def unknown_location_error(name: str):
Prints an error message that the given location is not found, along with a
list of known locations
error = (
f"[error]Could not find location[/error]{name}[error]\nKnown locations:\n\n."
for l in LOCATIONS:
error += f"* {}"
Here is the code for the polly_to_scc/
Routines for converting PollyXT files to SCC files
from datetime import timedelta
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from pollyxt_pipelines import utils
from pollyxt_pipelines.locations import Location
from pollyxt_pipelines.polly_to_scc import pollyxt
from pollyxt_pipelines.polly_to_scc.exceptions import (
class Wavelength(Enum):
"""Laser wavelength"""
NM_355 = 355
NM_532 = 532
NM_1064 = 1064
class Atmosphere(IntEnum):
Which atmosphere to use to processing. These are the possible values for `molecular_calc`.
def from_string(x: str):
x = x.lower().strip()
if x == "automatic":
return Atmosphere.AUTOMATIC
if x == "radiosonde":
return Atmosphere.RADIOSONDE
if x == "cloudnet":
return Atmosphere.CLOUDNET
if x == "standard":
raise ValueError(f"Unknown atmosphere {x}")
def create_scc_netcdf(
pf: pollyxt.PollyXTFile,
output_path: Path,
location: Location,
) -> Tuple[str, Path]:
Convert a PollyXT netCDF file to a SCC file.
pf: An opened PollyXT file. When you create this, you can specify the time period of interest.
output_path: Where to store the produced netCDF file
location: Where did this measurement take place
atmosphere: What kind of atmosphere to use.
If atmosphere is set to Atmosphere.SOUNDING, the `Sounding_File_Name` attribute will be set to
`rs_{MEASUREMENT_ID}.rs`, ie the filename of the accompaning radiosonde. This file is *not* created
by this function.
A tuple containing the measurement ID and the output path
# Calculate measurement ID
measurement_id = pf.start_date.strftime(f"%Y%m%d{location.scc_code}%H%M")
# Create SCC file
# Output filename is always the measurement ID
output_filename = output_path / f"{measurement_id}.nc"
nc = Dataset(output_filename, "w")
# Create dimensions (mandatory!)
nc.createDimension("points", np.size(pf.raw_signal, axis=1))
nc.createDimension("channels", np.size(pf.raw_signal, axis=2))
nc.createDimension("time", None)
nc.createDimension("nb_of_time_scales", 1)
nc.createDimension("scan_angles", 1)
# Create Global Attributes (mandatory!)
nc.Measurement_ID = measurement_id
nc.RawData_Start_Date = pf.start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
nc.RawData_Start_Time_UT = pf.start_date.strftime("%H%M%S")
nc.RawData_Stop_Time_UT = pf.end_date.strftime("%H%M%S")
# Create Global Attributes (optional)
nc.RawBck_Start_Date = nc.RawData_Start_Date
nc.RawBck_Start_Time_UT = nc.RawData_Start_Time_UT
nc.RawBck_Stop_Time_UT = nc.RawData_Stop_Time_UT
if atmosphere == Atmosphere.RADIOSONDE:
nc.Sounding_File_Name = f"rs_{measurement_id[:-2]}.nc"
# nc.Overlap_File_Name = 'ov_' + selected_start.strftime('%Y%m%daky%H') + '.nc'
# Custom attribute for configuration ID
# From 04:00 until 16:00 we use daytime configuration
if pf.start_date.replace(
hour=4, minute=0
) < pf.start_date and pf.start_date < pf.start_date.replace(hour=16, minute=0):
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Configuration_ID = location.daytime_configuration
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Configuration_ID = location.nighttime_configuration
# Create Variables. (mandatory)
raw_data_start_time = nc.createVariable(
"Raw_Data_Start_Time", "i4", dimensions=("time", "nb_of_time_scales"), zlib=True
raw_data_stop_time = nc.createVariable(
"Raw_Data_Stop_Time", "i4", dimensions=("time", "nb_of_time_scales"), zlib=True
raw_lidar_data = nc.createVariable(
"Raw_Lidar_Data", "f8", dimensions=("time", "channels", "points"), zlib=True
channel_id = nc.createVariable(
"channel_ID", "i4", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
id_timescale = nc.createVariable(
"id_timescale", "i4", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
laser_pointing_angle = nc.createVariable(
"Laser_Pointing_Angle", "f8", dimensions=("scan_angles"), zlib=True
laser_pointing_angle_of_profiles = nc.createVariable(
dimensions=("time", "nb_of_time_scales"),
laser_shots = nc.createVariable(
"Laser_Shots", "i4", dimensions=("time", "channels"), zlib=True
background_low = nc.createVariable(
"Background_Low", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
background_high = nc.createVariable(
"Background_High", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
molecular_calc = nc.createVariable("Molecular_Calc", "i4", dimensions=(), zlib=True)
nc.createVariable("Pol_Calib_Range_Min", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True)
nc.createVariable("Pol_Calib_Range_Max", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True)
pressure_at_lidar_station = nc.createVariable(
"Pressure_at_Lidar_Station", "f8", dimensions=(), zlib=True
temperature_at_lidar_station = nc.createVariable(
"Temperature_at_Lidar_Station", "f8", dimensions=(), zlib=True
lr_input = nc.createVariable("LR_Input", "i4", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True)
# Fill Variables with Data. (mandatory)
raw_data_start_time[:] = (
pf.measurement_time[~pf.calibration_mask, 1] - pf.measurement_time[0, 1]
raw_data_stop_time[:] = (
pf.measurement_time[~pf.calibration_mask, 1] - pf.measurement_time[0, 1]
) + 30
raw_lidar_data[:] = pf.raw_signal_swap[~pf.calibration_mask]
channel_id[:] = np.array(location.channel_id)
id_timescale[:] = np.zeros(np.size(pf.raw_signal[~pf.calibration_mask], axis=2))
laser_pointing_angle[:] = int(pf.zenith_angle.item(0))
laser_pointing_angle_of_profiles[:] = np.zeros(
np.size(pf.raw_signal[~pf.calibration_mask], axis=0)
laser_shots[:] = pf.measurement_shots[~pf.calibration_mask]
background_low[:] = np.array(location.background_low)
background_high[:] = np.array(location.background_high)
molecular_calc[:] = int(atmosphere)
pressure_at_lidar_station[:] = location.pressure
temperature_at_lidar_station[:] = location.temperature
lr_input[:] = np.array(location.lr_input)
# Close the netCDF file.
return measurement_id, output_filename
def create_scc_calibration_netcdf(
pf: pollyxt.PollyXTFile,
output_path: Path,
location: Location,
wavelength: Wavelength,
pol_calib_range_min: int = 1200,
pol_calib_range_max: int = 2500,
) -> Tuple[str, Path]:
From a PollyXT netCDF file, create the corresponding calibration SCC file.
Calibration only occures when `depol_cal_angle` is not equal to the default state value.
Take care to create the `PollyXTFile` with these intervals.
pf: An opened PollyXT file
output_path: Where to store the produced netCDF file
location: Where did this measurement take place
wavelength: Calibration for 355nm or 532nm
pol_calib_range_min: Calibration contant calculation, minimum height
pol_calib_range_max: Calibration contant calculation, maximum height
A tuple containing the measurement ID and the output path
# Calculate measurement ID
measurement_id = pf.start_date.strftime(f"%Y%m%d{location.scc_code}%H")
# Create SCC file
# Output filename is always the measurement ID
if wavelength == Wavelength.NM_355:
output_filename = output_path / f"calibration_{measurement_id}"
elif wavelength == Wavelength.NM_532:
output_filename = output_path / f"calibration_{measurement_id}"
elif wavelength == Wavelength.NM_1064:
output_filename = output_path / f"calibration_{measurement_id}"
raise ValueError(f"Unknown wavelength {wavelength}")
nc = Dataset(output_filename, "w")
# Find start/end indices for the +45 and -45 degree calibration cycles in Polly file
idx = list(np.where(np.diff(pf.depol_cal_angle))[0])
start_positive = 2
idx = list(filter(lambda x: x >= start_positive + 4, idx))
end_positive = idx[0]
positive_length = end_positive - start_positive
start_negative = idx[0] + 3
idx = list(filter(lambda x: x >= start_negative + 4, idx))
end_negative = pf.depol_cal_angle.shape[0] - 3
negative_length = end_negative - start_negative
# Reduce the larger period to match
if positive_length > negative_length:
end_positive -= positive_length - negative_length
positive_length = negative_length
elif negative_length > positive_length:
end_negative -= negative_length - positive_length
negative_length = positive_length
# Create Dimensions. (mandatory)
nc.createDimension("points", np.size(pf.raw_signal, axis=1))
nc.createDimension("channels", 4)
nc.createDimension("time", positive_length)
nc.createDimension("nb_of_time_scales", 1)
nc.createDimension("scan_angles", 1)
# Create Global Attributes. (mandatory)
# Move start date a couple of profiles forward to accomodate the fact that we skip
# some profiles at the beginning of the file.
start_date = pf.start_date + timedelta(seconds=(start_positive * 30))
nc.RawData_Start_Date = start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
nc.RawData_Start_Time_UT = start_date.strftime("%H%M%S")
nc.RawData_Stop_Time_UT = pf.end_date.strftime("%H%M%S")
# Create Global Attributes (optional)
nc.RawBck_Start_Date = nc.RawData_Start_Date
nc.RawBck_Start_Time_UT = nc.RawData_Start_Time_UT
nc.RawBck_Stop_Time_UT = nc.RawData_Stop_Time_UT
# Create Variables. (mandatory)
raw_data_start_time = nc.createVariable(
"Raw_Data_Start_Time", "i4", dimensions=("time", "nb_of_time_scales"), zlib=True
raw_data_stop_time = nc.createVariable(
"Raw_Data_Stop_Time", "i4", dimensions=("time", "nb_of_time_scales"), zlib=True
raw_lidar_data = nc.createVariable(
"Raw_Lidar_Data", "f8", dimensions=("time", "channels", "points"), zlib=True
channel_id = nc.createVariable(
"channel_ID", "i4", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
id_timescale = nc.createVariable(
"id_timescale", "i4", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
laser_pointing_angle = nc.createVariable(
"Laser_Pointing_Angle", "f8", dimensions=("scan_angles"), zlib=True
laser_pointing_angle_of_profiles = nc.createVariable(
dimensions=("time", "nb_of_time_scales"),
laser_shots = nc.createVariable(
"Laser_Shots", "i4", dimensions=("time", "channels"), zlib=True
background_low = nc.createVariable(
"Background_Low", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
background_high = nc.createVariable(
"Background_High", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
molecular_calc = nc.createVariable("Molecular_Calc", "i4", dimensions=(), zlib=True)
pol_calib_range_min_var = nc.createVariable(
"Pol_Calib_Range_Min", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
pol_calib_range_max_var = nc.createVariable(
"Pol_Calib_Range_Max", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
pressure_at_lidar_station = nc.createVariable(
"Pressure_at_Lidar_Station", "f8", dimensions=(), zlib=True
temperature_at_lidar_station = nc.createVariable(
"Temperature_at_Lidar_Station", "f8", dimensions=(), zlib=True
# Fill Variables with Data. (mandatory)
raw_data_start_time[:] = (
pf.measurement_time[start_positive:end_positive, 1]
- pf.measurement_time[start_positive, 1]
raw_data_stop_time[:] = (
pf.measurement_time[start_negative:end_negative, 1]
- pf.measurement_time[start_positive, 1]
id_timescale[:] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
laser_pointing_angle[:] = 5
laser_pointing_angle_of_profiles[:, :] = 0.0
laser_shots[:] = 600
background_low[:] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
background_high[:] = np.array([249, 249, 249, 249])
molecular_calc[:] = 0
pol_calib_range_min_var[:] = np.repeat(pol_calib_range_min, 4)
pol_calib_range_max_var[:] = np.repeat(pol_calib_range_max, 4)
pressure_at_lidar_station[:] = location.pressure
temperature_at_lidar_station[:] = location.temperature
# Define total and cross channels IDs from Polly
if wavelength == Wavelength.NM_355:
total_channel_idx = location.total_channel_355_nm_idx
cross_channel_idx = location.cross_channel_355_nm_idx
channel_id[:] = np.array(
+ location.calibration_355nm_cross_channel_ids
nc.Measurement_ID = measurement_id + "35"
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Configuration_ID = (
elif wavelength == Wavelength.NM_532:
total_channel_idx = location.total_channel_532_nm_idx
cross_channel_idx = location.cross_channel_532_nm_idx
channel_id[:] = np.array(
+ location.calibration_532nm_cross_channel_ids
nc.Measurement_ID = measurement_id + "53"
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Configuration_ID = (
elif wavelength == Wavelength.NM_1064:
total_channel_idx = location.total_channel_1064_nm_idx
cross_channel_idx = location.cross_channel_1064_nm_idx
channel_id[:] = np.array(
+ location.calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids
nc.Measurement_ID = measurement_id + "10"
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Configuration_ID = (
raise ValueError(f"Unknown wavelength {wavelength}")
raw_lidar_data[:] = 0
# Total channel, +45°
raw_lidar_data[:, 0, :] = pf.raw_signal_swap[
start_positive:end_positive, total_channel_idx, :
# Cross channel, +45°
raw_lidar_data[:, 2, :] = pf.raw_signal_swap[
start_positive:end_positive, cross_channel_idx, :
# Total channel, -45°
raw_lidar_data[:, 1, :] = pf.raw_signal_swap[
start_negative:end_negative, total_channel_idx, :
# Cross channel, -45°
raw_lidar_data[:, 3, :] = pf.raw_signal_swap[
start_negative:end_negative, cross_channel_idx, :
# Close the netCDF file.
return measurement_id, output_filename
def convert_pollyxt_file(
repo: pollyxt.PollyXTRepository,
output_path: Path,
location: Location,
interval: timedelta,
atmosphere: Atmosphere,
Converts a pollyXT repository into a collection of SCC files. The input files will be split/merged into intervals
before being converted to the new format.
This function is a generator, so you can use it in a for loop to monitor progress:
for measurement_id, path, start_time, end_time in convert_pollyxt_file(...):
# Do something with id/path, maybe print a message?
repo: PollyXT file to convert
output_path: Directory to write the SCC files
location: Geographical information, where the measurement took place
interval: What interval to use when splitting the PollyXT file (e.g. 1 hour)
atmosphere: Which atmosphere to use on SCC
should_round: If true, the interval starts will be rounded down. For example, from 01:02 to 01:00.
calibration: Set to False to disable generation of calibration files.
start_hour: Optionally, set when the first file should start. The intervals will start from here. (HH:MM or YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM format, string)
end_hour: Optionally, also set the end time. Must be used with `start_hour`. If this is set, only one output file
is generated, for your target interval (HH:MM or YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM format, string).
# Open input netCDF
measurement_start, measurement_end = repo.get_time_period()
# Handle start/end time
if start_time is not None:
start_time = utils.date_option_to_datetime(measurement_start, start_time)
if start_time < measurement_start or measurement_end < start_time:
raise TimeOutsideFile(measurement_start, measurement_end, start_time)
measurement_start = start_time
if start_time is None and end_time is not None:
raise ValueError("Can't use end_hour without start_hour")
if end_time is not None:
end_time = utils.date_option_to_datetime(measurement_end, end_time)
if end_time < measurement_start or measurement_end < start_time:
raise TimeOutsideFile(measurement_start, measurement_end, end_time)
measurement_end = end_time
interval = timedelta(seconds=(end_time - start_time).total_seconds())
# Create output files
interval_start = measurement_start
while interval_start < measurement_end:
# If the option is set, round down hours
if should_round:
interval_start = interval_start.replace(microsecond=0, second=0, minute=0)
# Interval end
interval_end = interval_start + interval
# Open netCDF file and convert to SCC
pf = repo.get_pollyxt_file(
interval_start, interval_end + timedelta(seconds=30)
id, path = create_scc_netcdf(pf, output_path, location, atmosphere)
yield id, path, pf.start_date, pf.end_date
except NoMeasurementsInTimePeriod as ex:
# Go to next loop
interval_start = interval_end
# Set start of next interval to the end of this one
interval_start = interval_end
# Generate calibration files
if calibration:
# Check for any valid calibration intervals
for start, end in repo.get_calibration_periods():
if start > measurement_start and end < measurement_end:
pf = repo.get_pollyxt_file(start, end)
id, path = create_scc_calibration_netcdf(
pf, output_path, location, wavelength=Wavelength.NM_532
yield id, path, start, end
id, path = create_scc_calibration_netcdf(
pf, output_path, location, wavelength=Wavelength.NM_355
yield id, path, start, end
id, path = create_scc_calibration_netcdf(
pf, output_path, location, wavelength=Wavelength.NM_1064
yield id, path, start, end
Just search within these two scripts for "1064" and you will get all new entries ;-)
hello Holger! we have a new colleague Evgenia in cc. She is taking over the polly automations from Thanasis (guided by him), as he is shifted 100% to l2a+ assimilation. so you can mention her for the optimizations discussions!
Evgenia, take action!!
Holger, looking foreword for suggestions for upgrades!
Best wishes,
Στις 2023-02-07 09:05, ulysses78 έγραψε:
Hey @thgeorgiou [1] , at Mindelo (Cape Verde) we have a PollyXT system running, which has a 355, 532 and also a 1064nm depol-channel. Locally at our server I managed to add the missing lines to the pollyxt_pipelines script. The following scripts have to be changed:
locations/ polly_to_scc/
Adding the following parameters:
total_channel_1064_nm_idx cross_channel_1064_nm_idx calibration_1064nm_total_channel_ids calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids
Of course one has to change every occurency and initialization of it. I will add my code down here.
One thing to keep in mind in the locations.ini file: at the moment the scripts are written in a way, that one has to add for every site a "pseudo" 1064nm depol channel, which is kind of ugly. Is there a way to avoid this? Could you please implement this missing 1064nm depol-channel to your official scripts and create a pip-release?
FYI: @HolgerPollyNet [2]
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As I mentioned earlier, the big drawback with this updated scripts of mine:
one has to add the 1064nm depol-channel to all sites in the locations.ini. In other words... if all the users of this repo updating their scripts, they also have to change their locations.ini file (adding pseudo 1064nm depol-channels). Otherwise the script will not work.
Of course I can make a new branch wih my updates, but I think it is best, if you change the code snippets in a way, that it is not necessary to change all the locations.ini entries (in terms of adding pseudo 1064nm depol-channels).
Do you agree?
Hello @ulysses78 ,
that is probably optimal. We will add your changes but make 1064nm optional. Do all Pollys (Pollies?) have both 355nm and 532nm channels? Do you think it is worth it to make all depol. channels optional?
Holger mentioned a few days ago, that not all pollys have two depol-channels. So yes, it would be best if all depol channels are optional. @HolgerPollyNet ... please correct me if I am wrong!
@ulysses78 Correct!
Hi @elmarinou , hi @EvgeniaPapak, is there any progress in this issue so far?
Best, Andi
Hello @ulysses78, I have pushed version 1.13.0 that should cover this use-case. Please do let us know if everything works correctly!
Hello @thgeorgiou ,
thank you! I upgraded pollyxt-pipelines via pip to 1.13.0. At the moment the script doesn't recognize the 1064nm channel, which I have added to the locations.ini file. It only generates the 355 and 532 nm vol-depol-channels. I found the new file pollyxt_pipelines/locations/
. Do I have to implement this one somehow, somewhere?
@EvgeniaPapak .... do you have any idea? Am I doing something wrong with that? Do I have to flip a switch somewhere to trigger that 1064nm depolchannel-reading?
@ulysses78 Hello! I apologize for the late response, I missed the notification. Could I have a sample file with all channels to use for debugging?
You can download some files from here:
Can you access it?
Fuhrtermore I have attached the entry in our locations.ini file:
scc_code = cvo
lat = 16.87
lon = -24.99
altitude_asl = 10
daytime_configuration = 712
nighttime_configuration = 713
channel_id = 1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2004,2003
background_low = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
background_high = 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240
lr_input = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
temperature = 15
pressure = 1000
total_channel_355_nm_idx = 0
cross_channel_355_nm_idx = 1
total_channel_532_nm_idx = 4
cross_channel_532_nm_idx = 5
total_channel_1064_nm_idx = 7
cross_channel_1064_nm_idx = 14
calibration_355nm_total_channel_ids = 2010, 2011
calibration_355nm_cross_channel_ids = 2012, 2013
calibration_532nm_total_channel_ids = 2014, 2015
calibration_532nm_cross_channel_ids = 2016, 2017
calibration_1064nm_total_channel_ids = 2018, 2019
calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids = 2020, 2021
calibration_configuration_355nm = 714
calibration_configuration_532nm = 715
calibration_configuration_1064nm = 716
depol_calibration_zero_state = 0
profile_name = mindelo
sounding_provider = cloudnet
Some more Info: This is the only entry/station in our locations.ini file with a 1064nm depolchannel. All the other stations do not have a 1064nm channel.
@ulysses78 Unfortunately I cannot access that link, I get a login prompt. Thanks for the location.ini
, would it be OK with you if we added it to the release?
This link should work now:
@ulysses78 Unfortunately I cannot access that link, I get a login prompt. Thanks for the
, would it be OK with you if we added it to the release?
Yes, you can add it to the release.
Thank you for the files, I will come back to you later today with any fixes.
@ulysses78 Hello again! I can't reproduce the problem, the program creates 1064 calibration files as expected. Could you re-install the package just to be safe?
pip install --force-reinstall pollyxt_pipelines
Or if you use pipx
pipx reinstall pollyxt_pipelines
I reinstalled pollyxt_pipelines, but it is not working for me. I even switched to another user, ceated a new python environment and installed pollyxt_pipelines as brand new. Same problem... only 355 and 532nm depolchannel files are created. And I am sure, that the correct locations.ini file is used, because I had to copy/paste it in the new environments locations.ini file. Otherwise the CVO location wouldn't be available.
@ulysses78 Thank you for looking into it, I think the pypi release was broken for 1.13.0. Could you please try again w/ the new release? (1.13.2)
Yes, it is working now. Thanks a lot!
Great! Cheers
Hey @thgeorgiou , at Mindelo (Cape Verde) we have a PollyXT system running, which has a 355, 532 and also a 1064nm depol-channel. Locally at our server I managed to add the missing lines to the pollyxt_pipelines script. The following scripts have to be changed:
Adding the following parameters:
Of course one has to change every occurency and initialization of it. I will add my code down here.
One thing to keep in mind in the locations.ini file: at the moment the scripts are written in a way, that one has to add for every site a "pseudo" 1064nm depol channel, which is kind of ugly. Is there a way to avoid this? Could you please implement this missing 1064nm depol-channel to your official scripts and create a pip-release?
FYI: @HolgerPollyNet