R implementation of the mass balance model Ecopath with Ecosim
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Determine vignette topics #55

Open slucey opened 1 year ago

slucey commented 1 year ago
  1. create a model (keep the current code but also demonstrate reading in csvs and showing what format they need to be in etc, possibly linking to EwE outputs)
  2. run Rpath and check diagnostics (prebal and all that), best practice for balancing (see Sean's recent script that documents the process)
  3. run Rsim with simple forcing scenarios
  4. (new) ecosense vignette when ready from sense_beta branch

Documentation branch started from dev to rearrange these

Getting started page will have installation, overview, and references

The above will be articles

New vignettes added to articles as major features (e.g. sense, fitting) brought in