NOAA-EDAB / catalog

repo organizing all of the synthetic indicator catalog
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[Submission]: test images #103

Open andybeet opened 4 months ago

andybeet commented 4 months ago

Primary Contact

Secondary Contact

No response

Data Name (This will be the displayed title in Catalog)


Indicator Name (as exists in ecodata)


Family (Which group is this indicator associated with?)

Data Description


Introduction to Indicator (Please explain your indicator)


Key Results and Visualization

testing images. Either option works. maybe straight markdown is cleaner since we get to see if the image appears in the issue

NOTE: the path to the images is not intuitive. You need to specify the path with the raw "folder" in the url

  1. Using markdown: This works great.

Alexandrium cyst map{width=100%}

  1. Using rmarkdown: you can specify output width relative to space available. the image isnt rendered in this issue. Note again the path to the image has raw in the url


Proceed as though this were a short summary of a typical discussion section in a paper.

Spatial Scale

No response

Temporal Scale

No response

Synthesis Theme

Define Variables

1) Name: piscivore_biomass; Definition: Biomass of piscivores; Units: kg tow^-1. 2) Name: forage_biomass; Definition: Biomass of forage fish; Units: kg tow^-1.

Indicator Category

If other, please specify indicator category

No response

Data Contributors

Ex: Brandon Beltz, Sarah Gaichas and Sean Lucey.

Point(s) of Contact



Public Availability

Source data are publicly available.

Accessibility and Constraints

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