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[Submission]: Inshore Survey (New England) #107

Open BBeltz1 opened 4 months ago

BBeltz1 commented 4 months ago

Primary Contact

Secondary Contact

No response

Data Name (This will be the displayed title in Catalog)

Inshore Survey (New England)

Indicator Name (as exists in ecodata)


Family (Which group is this indicator associated with?)

Data Description

Biomass time series for aggregate species groups from three inshore bottom trawl surveys conducted throughout the NE US:

Introduction to Indicator (Please explain your indicator)

Indicators from these inshore surveys are analagous to those produced by the NEFSC trawl survey in the aggregate_biomass indicator dataset

Key Results and Visualization

Each survey shows trends by aggregate group.


Some trends match the NEFSC survey, some dont. This is driven by different species availability to surveys in time and space as well as the surveys sampling different habitats. Nearshore habitats are important to fish and fisheries so we monitor them as as well as trends from the larger EPUs.

Spatial Scale

Nearshore regions of the MAB and GOM

Temporal Scale

Spring and Fall

Synthesis Theme

Define Variables

See variable definitions for aggregate_biomass

Indicator Category

If other, please specify indicator category

No response

Data Contributors

Rebecca Peters

Point(s) of Contact

Rebecca Peters (ME/NH survey),



Public Availability

Source data are publicly available.

Accessibility and Constraints

No response