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[Submission]: Thermal Habitat Frequency #129

Open jcaracappa1 opened 3 weeks ago

jcaracappa1 commented 3 weeks ago

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Data Name (This will be the displayed title in Catalog)

Thermal Habitat - Frequency

Indicator Name (as exists in ecodata)

New Indicator

Family (Which group is this indicator associated with?)

Data Description

Metrics related to spatial and temporal frequency and magnitude of bottom temperature habitat.

Introduction to Indicator (Please explain your indicator)

See "Thermal Habitat Gridded" for cell-based calculations. Many deep water benthic and demersal exhibit thermal preferences for metabolic, reproductive, and growth processes. Temperatures above these thermal presences may impair these processes. Temperature thresholds between 0.5C and 30C at 0.5C intervals. Data from 1993-01-01 to 2024-09-10 were obtained from the CMEMS' GLORYS12V1 global reanalysis product. Daily cell-based metrics include: the number of days exceeding a temperature limit (nDays), the number of consecutive days exceeding a temperature limit (nDays_consecutive), the sum of temperatures above a temperature limit (degree_days), and the proportion of each area that exceeds a temperature limit (percent_area). These daily metrics are summarized with a minimum (_min), maximum (_max), mean (_mean), median (_median), and standard deviation (_sd).

Key Results and Visualization

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Spatial Scale

by EPU and full shelf (All)

Temporal Scale


Synthesis Theme

Define Variables

year: year temperature_limit: temperature cutoff used in calculations epu: EPU name or ALL for shelf-wide nDays_min: minimum number of days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit nDays_max: maximum number of days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit nDays_mean: mean number of days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit nDays_median: median number of days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit nDays_sd: standard deviation of number of days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit nDays_consecutive_min: minimum consecutive days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit nDays_consecutive_max: maximum consecutive days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit nDays_consecutive_mean: mean consecutive days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit nDays_consecutive_median: median consecutive days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit nDays_consecutive_sd: standard deviation of consecutive days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit degree_day_min: minimum degree days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit degree_day_max: maximum degree days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit degree_day_mean: mean degree days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit degree_day_median: median degree days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit degree_day_sd: standard deviation of degree days in a year where a cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit percent_area_min: minimum daily percent of an area where cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit percent_area_max: maximum daily percent of an area where cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit percent_area_mean: mean daily percent of an area where cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit percent_area_median: median daily percent of an area where cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit percent_area_sd: standard deviation of daily percent of an area where cell's temperature exceeded temperature_limit

Indicator Category

If other, please specify indicator category

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Data Contributors

Joseph Caracappa

Point(s) of Contact

Joseph Caracappa (



Public Availability

Source data are publicly available.

Accessibility and Constraints

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