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[Submission]: Chlorophyll and Primary Production #36

Open khyde opened 8 months ago

khyde commented 8 months ago

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Data Name (This will be the displayed title in Catalog)

Chlorophyll and Primary Production

Indicator Name (as exists in ecodata)


Family (Which group is this indicator associated with?)

Data Description

Satellite derived phytoplankton data including chlorophyll concentration and primary production for the Northeast Continental Shelf and ecological production units.

Introduction to Indicator (Please explain your indicator)

Phytoplankton are key biological regulators of the structure and function of most marine ecosystems. They are the foundation of the marine food web and are the primary food source for zooplankton and filter feeders such as shellfish. Numerous environmental and oceanographic factors interact to drive the abundance, composition, spatial distribution, seasonal timing and productivity of phytoplankton. Satellite derived measurements of chlorophyll, the dominant photosynthetic pigment in phytoplankton, are used to estimate total phytoplankton biomass. Phytoplankton growth depends on the availability of carbon dioxide, sunlight and nutrients and their growth rates can be influenced by water temperature, water depth, wind, and grazing pressure. Primary productivity is a measure of the amount of carbon produced by phytoplankton.

The unique physical characteristics of the Northeast U.S. continental shelf help make it among the most productive continental shelf systems in the world influenced by both bottom-up (e.g. nutrient concentrations, light availability, and mixing/stratification) and top-down (e.g. grazing) controls. Phytoplankton biomass, composition, and productivity all have high spatial, seasonal and interannual variability. The most pronounced spatial pattern is the decrease in phytoplankton biomass from the coast to the shelf break. Georges Bank and Nantucket Shoals are shallow regions that are well mixed by tides. This mixing supplies sufficient nutrients to support phytoplankton growth throughout the year. In other regions, blooms of large diatom species occur on a seasonal cycle when growing conditions are ideal.

Key Results and Visualization

In 2023, MAB total chlorophyll was below average in early spring, near average through the summer and above average throughout the fall. A peak in primary production occurred in summer, followed by an above average productivity associated with the early fall bloom.

Total chlorophyll concentrations on Georges Bank were above average for most of the year. The early winter bloom was most likely associated with diatoms, however the above average chlorophyll and primary production from April through August can be attributed to the dinoflagellate Tripos muelleri.

Total chlorophyll concentrations in the Gulf of Maine were above average for most of the year. The early winter bloom was most likely associated with diatoms, however the record high chlorophyll and primary production from April through August can be attributed to the dinoflagellate Tripos muelleri.

There is high interannual variability of the seasonal phytoplankton cycle. At the monthly scale, MAB chlorophyll and primary production are increasing during January and there has been a decrease in September chlorophyll, likely due to extension of the summer stratification and delayed fall turnover. Fall and winter chlorophyll and primary production are increasing on Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine.


Phytoplankton abundance, productivity, diversity, cell size, phenology, and carbon fluxes are regulated by the local physical and chemical environment and grazing. Interannual and climatological changes in temperature, freshwater inputs (due to ice sheet melting and/or enhanced river discharge), wind direction, and wind speed can alter the circulation patterns, upwelling conditions, and nutrient fluxes, directly affecting the timing, location, species composition of phytoplankton blooms in the NES. As the NES responds to warming, changing phenologies, changing chemistry, and changes in circulation patterns, we must understand how varying biophysical interactions control phytoplankton and subsequently affect fisheries, their habitats and the people, businesses and communities that depend on them.

Spatial Scale

By EPU and gridded for the entire shelf

Temporal Scale

Daily, weekly, monthly, annual, climatology (1998 to current year)

Synthesis Theme

Define Variables

1) Chlorophyll; Concentration of chlorophyll a in the near surface (first euphotic depth) waters; mg m^-3 2) Chlorophyll anomaly; Ratio of chlorophyll a concentration to the long-term (1998 to present year) climatology; unitless (ratio) 3) Primary productivity; Daily net primary production of biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume in seawater per day; gCarbon m^-2 d^-1 4) Primary productivity anomaly; Ratio of net primary production to the long-term (1998 to present year) climatology; unitless (ratio) 5) Microplankton chlorophyll; Concentration of chlorophyll a in the near surface (first euphotic depth) waters from the microplankton (20-200 µm) fraction; mg m^-3 6) Nanoplankton chlorophyll; Concentration of chlorophyll a in the near surface (first euphotic depth) waters from the nanoplankton (2-20 µm) fraction; mg m^-3 7) Picoplankton chlorophyll; Concentration of chlorophyll a in the near surface (first euphotic depth) waters from the picoplankton (0.2-2 µm) fraction; mg m^-3 8) Annual summed primary production - TBD

Indicator Category

If other, please specify indicator category

Publicly available satellite data that are processed and analyzed

Data Contributors

Kimberly Hyde

Point(s) of Contact



Public Availability

Source data are publicly available.

Accessibility and Constraints

No response

khyde commented 4 months ago

It is very difficult to read the monthly time series plots. Is it possible to reduce the white space between the plots and make the symbols smaller? Here is an example of my original plot if that helps. MAB-SAV-CHLOR_A-PAN-STATS-MONTHLY_TIMESERIES

andybeet commented 4 months ago

We should be able to make these look a little better, yes.

khyde commented 4 months ago

I updated the text for the catalog page. My recommendation for the figure layout is here

khyde commented 4 months ago

Also, I noticed that the PSC data is incomplete for 2023 so I am updating that now. The rest of the 2023 OC-CCI (the long-term dataset) just released so I will switch everything to that. I will let you know when the new data have been uploaded.

andybeet commented 4 months ago

The figure layout wont change during this cycle. Maybe when we consolidate all of the pp/chl data into one dataset we can work something out.

khyde commented 4 months ago

The primary production anomaly plots should be removed. I took another look at the data and I think there is something wrong at the anomaly calculation step and I don't have time to fix that. I would replace it with the total summed primary production (or is that already in another section?).

jcaracappa1 commented 4 months ago

We don't have any anomaly plots in the report. For this cycle we're going to make those anomaly plots appear with the text "this indicator is currently being reviewed" instead of plotting.

khyde commented 4 months ago

@jcaracappa1 I was referring to the PP anomaly plots in the catalog. Those should be removed because I believe there is an issue with the data.

khyde commented 4 months ago

I finished updating the CHL/PP/PSC data so that the long-term dataset (OC-CCI) is now complete through December 2023 (replacing the temporary GLOBCOLOUR data).

BBeltz1 commented 4 months ago

@khyde does this include corrections to the anomaly calculations? or just an update for end of year data?

khyde commented 4 months ago

Just the update through the end of 2023. There is something wrong with the annual anomaly data and that will take more time to fix and it should not be plotted. You can plot the total annual summed primary production.

BBeltz1 commented 4 months ago

okay, anomaly plots will be pulled from all products until your go ahead. thanks kim