NOAA-EDAB / comlandr
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NAs introduced in herring pull #39

Open slucey opened 1 year ago

slucey commented 1 year ago

Investigate what is causing the warning:

Warning message:
In lapply(.SD, as.numeric) : NAs introduced by coercion

Seems to enter from get_herring_data function.

sgaichas commented 2 weeks ago

Herring come in with the get_comlandr_raw function and are replaced in the get_herring_data function but this results in fewer rows, need to compare the two outputs with herring catch data in assessment.

sgaichas commented 2 weeks ago

Datasets pulled using get_comland_raw and get_herring_data using code in herringtest.Rmd, stored on work3/EDAB/VAST_indices/testcomlandr:

some interim datasets are saved:

Next steps, I'll go through these to see where they differ

sgaichas commented 2 weeks ago

added some initial comparisons and questions in the discussion board