Closed andybeet closed 2 years ago
I first started plotting abundance at length in the catch rather than biomass. I think there are missing abundance values (all years and gears) for several species in realFisheryLencompRaw
Atlantic cod
And there are others that are missing years that it looks like they should have length data according to the plots in the vignette (unless they are all length samples and not just Georges Bank?)
> mskeyrun::realFisheryLencompRaw %>% dplyr::filter(Name %in% "Atlantic cod")
# A tibble: 11,384 × 9
ModSim year Code Name fishery lenbin variable value units
<chr> <int> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
1 Actual 1964 164712 Atlantic cod demersal NA biomass 9364. metric tons
2 Actual 1964 164712 Atlantic cod demersal NA abundance NA numbers
3 Actual 1964 164712 Atlantic cod fixedGear NA biomass 1003. metric tons
4 Actual 1964 164712 Atlantic cod fixedGear NA abundance NA numbers
5 Actual 1965 164712 Atlantic cod demersal NA biomass 8675. metric tons
6 Actual 1965 164712 Atlantic cod demersal NA abundance NA numbers
7 Actual 1965 164712 Atlantic cod fixedGear NA biomass 931. metric tons
8 Actual 1965 164712 Atlantic cod fixedGear NA abundance NA numbers
9 Actual 1966 164712 Atlantic cod demersal NA biomass 8518. metric tons
10 Actual 1966 164712 Atlantic cod demersal NA abundance NA numbers
# … with 11,374 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
> mskeyrun::realFisheryLencompRaw %>% dplyr::filter(Name %in% "Haddock")
# A tibble: 5,876 × 9
ModSim year Code Name fishery lenbin variable value units
<chr> <int> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
1 Actual 1964 164744 Haddock demersal NA biomass 40012. metric tons
2 Actual 1964 164744 Haddock demersal NA abundance NA numbers
3 Actual 1964 164744 Haddock fixedGear NA biomass 758. metric tons
4 Actual 1964 164744 Haddock fixedGear NA abundance NA numbers
5 Actual 1965 164744 Haddock demersal NA biomass 45641. metric tons
6 Actual 1965 164744 Haddock demersal NA abundance NA numbers
7 Actual 1965 164744 Haddock fixedGear NA biomass 696. metric tons
8 Actual 1965 164744 Haddock fixedGear NA abundance NA numbers
9 Actual 1966 164744 Haddock demersal NA biomass 45334. metric tons
10 Actual 1966 164744 Haddock demersal NA abundance NA numbers
# … with 5,866 more rows
@sgaichas The NA's in cod and Haddock for abundance (in 1964,1965, 1966 as shown above) are because there are no length samples for that year. The plots in the vignette show the frequency of lengths for GB. Can you give examples where you see length samples but NA for abundance? This obviously shouldn't be the case, if so i have a bug
ok, I see what I did--apologies, it was my summary and plotting code. here is Atlantic cod numbers summarized by year (all gears)
. Conversion of Lbs to kg was omittedCode