NOAA-EDAB / survdat
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get_area error due to sf update #42

Closed andybeet closed 2 years ago

andybeet commented 2 years ago

error now arises when running calc_swept_area using bundled strata shapefile. EPU shapefile is fine. Making an issue in sf repo

survey <- readRDS("C:/Users/andrew.beet/Documents/MyWork/gitHub_repos/survdat/testing/survdat2021.RDS")
data <- survey$survdat
#> Prepping data ...
#> Error in s2_geography_from_wkb(x, oriented = oriented, check = check): Evaluation error: Found 3 features with invalid spherical geometry.
#> [145] Loop 0 is not valid: Edge 520 has duplicate vertex with edge 661
#> [159] Loop 0 is not valid: Edge 804 has duplicate vertex with edge 824
#> [276] Loop 0 is not valid: Edge 470 has duplicate vertex with edge 482.

Created on 2021-08-17 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)