Data is summarized at the EPU and gear level by year in SQL and downloaded as a CSV file, imported into R and plots are produced in the RMD script.
Data Analysis
SQL is listed in an RMD chunk at the end of the script. Run the SQL to download a CSV from output, use the RMD first chunk to read the data in and process the data to be suitable for plotting using ggplot.
Data Source(s)
CAMS and related tables on the GARFO server.
Data Processing
Data is summarized at the EPU and gear level by year in SQL and downloaded as a CSV file, imported into R and plots are produced in the RMD script.
Data Analysis
SQL is listed in an RMD chunk at the end of the script. Run the SQL to download a CSV from output, use the RMD first chunk to read the data in and process the data to be suitable for plotting using ggplot.
NEFMC habitat team fishing effects analysis: Model from 2017 has been updated to pull relevant data from CAMS, so that every trip reported by dealers has VTR or imputed data for area fished and gear quantity. In particular, the swept area calculations are documented here: