NOAA-EDAB / tech-doc

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handling citations and bibliographies #5

Closed sgaichas closed 6 years ago

sgaichas commented 6 years ago

We will need contributors to have citations in a readable format, the easiest is bibtex (a .bib file). Most citation software can produce this, though I'm not sure about endnote. At present I put a separate bib file to go with the conceptual models indicator rmd file. Will we want everyone to have a separate bib file for each indicator? Or keep them all in one file? Bookdown can probably do either way but we should provide some guidance. I also added a line to place the bibliography where we want it in the skeleton file; this is nonstandard but doable if we add <div id="refs"></div> after the #References section and specify bibliography: indicator.bib as the last line of the YAML header (not indented).

slarge commented 6 years ago

From the bookdown book, it seems that the best bet might be have a .bib for each .rmd and to include the *.bib files in the index.rmd YAML section.

bibliography: ["one.bib", "another.bib", "yet-another.bib"] 
biblio-style: "apalike" 
link-citations: true 

Pros: keeps things compartmentalized Cons: it could double the number of files to keep track of...

slarge commented 6 years ago

@slucey @sgaichas -- I'm going to go ahead and close this since it looks like compartmentalization will work.