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GEFS ensemble forcing inconsistency #39

Open hyunchul386 opened 3 years ago

hyunchul386 commented 3 years ago

The GEFS ensemble forecast data, which are inputs for the LETKF in GODAS has an inconsistency issue. All of first fcst (06Z) averaged fluxes (dlwrf_avesfc, ulwrf_avesfc, dswrf_avesfc, vbdsf_avesfc, vddsf_avesfc, nbdsf_avesfc, nddsf_avesfc, uflx_avesfc, vflx_avesfc, shtfl_avesfc, lhtfl_avesfc, prateb_avesfc) are about half of other (12Z 18Z ... 60Z) fluxes.

gefs em01

Downward shortwave radiation of GEFS_01em of 2012-10-03, 06z(black) 12z(red) 18z(green) and 24z(blue),

hyunchul386 commented 3 years ago

According to explanations from Hong Guan and Bing Fu, the reason of the 06Z issue in averaged variables is due to the cold start from 00Z to 03Z, and warm start is from 03Z of cold start results. They have converted for 06Z results from 00Z, 03Z and 06Z. But, for us, 06Z is only available data for the conversion.