NOAA-EMC / EMC_verif-global

Global Forecast System (GFS) verification package using MET and METplus
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Cartopy on S4 #78

Closed malloryprow closed 2 years ago

malloryprow commented 2 years ago

Cartopy has been installed on S4, so the code needs to be updated to allow maps2d and mapsda plot generation

malloryprow commented 2 years ago

@DavidHuber-NOAA I am putting together a feature branch with the needed changes since Cartopy is on S4. In ush/plotting_scripts/plot_maps*, code specifies a path where the data Cartopy needs is already downloaded onto the machine. For examples, on Hera those are in /home/Mallory.Row/.local/share/cartopy. Is there a location I can put for S4?

DavidHuber-NOAA commented 2 years ago

@malloryprow On S4, cartopy automatically sets config['data_dir'] to /home/$LOGNAME/.local/share/cartopy. The shapefiles are then copied into this directory. So I don't think it needs to be set on S4.

malloryprow commented 2 years ago

@DavidHuber-NOAA Yes, that is the default. If the files aren't on disk in that location, Cartopy will try to download them from the web and this has caused some problems before, so I download the data on all the machines and store them in a location and point Cartopy to the directory. That way the code doesn't have to try to get the files from the web.

DavidHuber-NOAA commented 2 years ago

@malloryprow OK, I understand now. I've copied the data from Hera and placed it in /home/dhuber/.local/share/cartopy. Please use that location. Thanks!

malloryprow commented 2 years ago

@DavidHuber-NOAA I made the updates in "feature_cartopy_s4". Whenever you have time and test it out, let me know how it runs and if any further changes are needed.

DavidHuber-NOAA commented 2 years ago

@malloryprow I've successfully run maps2d model2obs and model2model. Attached are a couple of plots. Is there anything else you would like to see? model2model_sfc_TMAX_2mAGL_range6hr_d1 model2obs_sfc_TMP_2mAGL_d1

malloryprow commented 2 years ago

@DavidHuber-NOAA Nope! I'll get it into the develop branch today! :) Thanks so much for testing!

malloryprow commented 2 years ago

verif_global_v2.6.6 created