Global Data Assimilation System Application
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JEDI ATM gfs and gdas init jobs fail because sevcsr is not present #1008

Closed RussTreadon-NOAA closed 4 months ago

RussTreadon-NOAA commented 5 months ago

According to the Hera GDA /scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/dump the sevcsr bufr dump has been zero length from 20221005 12Z to present. GDAS-validation focuses on 20210801 00Z. JEDI ATM protoype cycling focuses on near real-time cases (e.g., 20240224 00Z).

The prepatmiodaobs job detects a zero length sevcsr bufr dump file and does not attempt to convert bufr to ioda. The gdas and gfs init job read parm/atm/obs/lists/gdas_prototype_3d.yaml.j2 to determine which observation to process. GDASApp commit 3ffc340 added sevcsr to gdas_prototype_3d.yaml.j2. This works for dates prior to 20221005 12Z. This does not work from 20221005 12Z forward.


The remove option was choosen for the 20240224 00Z JEDI ATM CI case

RussTreadon-NOAA commented 4 months ago

@emilyhcliu and @azadeh-gh: Since sevcsr bufr dumps are zero length from 20221005 12Z to present, I recommend removing

{% include 'atm/obs/config/seviri_m08.yaml.j2' %}
{% include 'atm/obs/config/seviri_m11.yaml.j2' %}

from parm/atm/obs/lists/gdas_prototype_3d.yaml.j2. Doing so allows real-time GDASApp ATM cycling to run without failure.

_Are you OK with me opening a PR to remove the seviri entries from gdas_prototype_3d.yaml.j2?_

emilyhcliu commented 4 months ago

@emilyhcliu and @azadeh-gh: Since sevcsr bufr dumps are zero length from 20221005 12Z to present, I recommend removing

{% include 'atm/obs/config/seviri_m08.yaml.j2' %}
{% include 'atm/obs/config/seviri_m11.yaml.j2' %}

from parm/atm/obs/lists/gdas_prototype_3d.yaml.j2. Doing so allows real-time GDASApp ATM cycling to run without failure.

_Are you OK with me opening a PR to remove the seviri entries from gdas_prototype_3d.yaml.j2?_

@RussTreadon-NOAA Yes. Please go ahead and remove seviri from gdas_prototype_3d.yaml.j2 for runs after 2022100512.

RussTreadon-NOAA commented 4 months ago

Thank you @emilyhcliu for the green light.

Work for this change will be done in RussTreadon-NOAA:feature/seviri