Global Data Assimilation System Application
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Optionally run specified rocoto task as part of the ctests #1121

Closed guillaumevernieres closed 1 month ago

guillaumevernieres commented 1 month ago

Only tested with the coupled UFS and the marine DA tasks:

Test project /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Guillaume.Vernieres/runs/prs/global-workflow/sorc/
  Test  #1: C48mx500_3DVarAOWCDA
  Test  #2: C96_atmaerosnowDA
  Test  #3: C96C48_ufs_hybatmDA
  Test  #4: C48mx500_3DVarAOWCDA_gdasfcst_202103241200
  Test  #5: C48mx500_3DVarAOWCDA_gdasprepoceanobs_202103241800
  Test  #6: C48mx500_3DVarAOWCDA_gdasocnanalprep_202103241800
  Test  #7: C48mx500_3DVarAOWCDA_gdasocnanalbmat_202103241800
  Test  #8: C48mx500_3DVarAOWCDA_gdasocnanalrun_202103241800
  Test  #9: C48mx500_3DVarAOWCDA_gdasocnanalchkpt_202103241800
  Test #10: C48mx500_3DVarAOWCDA_gdasocnanalpost_202103241800

Total Tests: 10